


发布日期:2024-07-15 14:57:45 浏览次数: 1757

Prompt或许的新未来, DSPy使用从0到1快速上手以示例驱动的方式,由浅入深的介绍DSPy框架自身的使用流程,并结合知名大模型应用框架LangChain,进一步介绍了两个框架结合的案例。本文将通过示例和源码解析的方式,解读DSPy运行原理。
DSPy是斯坦福 NLP 组推出的一个用于优化和生成Prompt的框架,DSPy将传统手工编写提示词的方式抽象为高代码编程方式,其核心思路为:



上述步骤主要由 Signature、Module、Optimizer三个核心模块实现。

DSPy 实现原理之Signature类  

DSPy的Signature类,是DSPy核心模块之一,Signature是声明性的规范,定义了 DSPy 模块的输入/输出行为,用于告诉语言模型应执行哪些任务,而不是我们应如何设置 prompt 语言模型。
  • 语言模型旨在解决的子任务的简洁描述。

  • 我们提供给语言模型的一个或多个输入字段的描述(例如,输入问题)。

  • 我们期望从语言模型得到的一个或多个输出字段的描述(例如,问题的答案)。



class QA(dspy.Signature):    """answer the question of user"""
    user_question = dspy.InputField(desc="用户的问题")    answer = dspy.OutputField()
然后我们使用dspy.ChainOfThought 进行一次推理,并查看提示词最终的内容
question = "what is the color of the sea?"summarize = dspy.ChainOfThought(QA)response = summarize(question=question)#  查看提示词lm.inspect_history(n=1)
提示词的内容如下,通过提示词内容,可以看出Signature可以将类定义中的注释内容,转换为对这个子任务的描述填写到提示词开头部分,然后将输入输出字段,分别以统一的格式(首字母大写,单词用空格分开)排布在 Reasoning的前后,其中Reasoning的内容为 CoT模式的固定提示词。   
answer the question of user
Follow the following format.
User Question: 用户的问题ReasoningLet's think step by step in order to ${produce the answer}. We ...Answer: ${answer}
Question:what is the color of the sea?ReasoningLet's think step by step in order to Question: what is the color of the sky?ReasoningLet's think step by step in order to determine the color of the sky. The sky appears blue due to the scattering of light waves in the atmosphere. The blue light is scattered more efficiently than other colors of light, which is why the sky appears blue.AnswerBlue
summarize = dspy.ChainOfThought('question -> answer')
但是这种方式只能定义输入输出的字段名,无法定义任务描述 和 字段描述,此时产生的提示词的任务描述是默认任务描述,提示词如下:   
Given the fields `question`, produce the fields `answer`.
Follow the following format.
Question: ${question}Reasoning: Let's think step by step in order to ${produce the answer}. We ...Answer: ${answer}


  • Signature执行流程

  • 字符串如何转换为Signature类

  • Signature的变量如何转换为提示词中的内容
# 部分删减import astimport reimport typesimport typingfrom copy import deepcopyfrom typing import Any, Dict, Tuple, Type, Union  # noqa: UP035
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, create_modelfrom pydantic.fields import FieldInfo
import dspfrom dspy.signatures.field import InputField, OutputField, new_to_old_field

class SignatureMeta(type(BaseModel)):   # Signature元类    def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):  # noqa: ANN002        if cls is Signature:            return make_signature(*args, **kwargs)        return super().__call__(*args, **kwargs)
    def __new__(mcs, signature_name, bases, namespace, **kwargs):  # noqa: N804     # 初始化Signature时调用该函数        # Set `str` as the default type for all fields        raw_annotations = namespace.get("__annotations__", {})        for name, field in namespace.items():            if not isinstance(field, FieldInfo):                continue  # Don't add types to non-field attributes            if not name.startswith("__") and name not in raw_annotations:                raw_annotations[name] = str        namespace["__annotations__"] = raw_annotations
        # Let Pydantic do its thing        cls = super().__new__(mcs, signature_name, bases, namespace, **kwargs)
        # If we don't have instructions, it might be because we are a derived generic type.        # In that case, we should inherit the instructions from the base class.        if cls.__doc__ is None:            for base in bases:                if isinstance(base, SignatureMeta):                    doc = getattr(base, "__doc__", "")                    if doc != "":                        cls.__doc__ = doc
        # The more likely case is that the user has just not given us a type.        # In that case, we should default to the input/output format.        if cls.__doc__ is None:            cls.__doc__ = _default_instructions(cls)
        # Ensure all fields are declared with InputField or OutputField        cls._validate_fields()
        # Ensure all fields have a prefix        for name, field in cls.model_fields.items():            if "prefix" not in field.json_schema_extra:                field.json_schema_extra["prefix"] = infer_prefix(name) + ":"            if "desc" not in field.json_schema_extra:                field.json_schema_extra["desc"] = f"${{{name}}}"
        return cls

class Signature(BaseModel, metaclass=SignatureMeta):    ""  # noqa: D419
    # Note: Don't put a docstring here, as it will become the default instructions    # for any signature that doesn't define it's own instructions.    pass
def make_signature(         # 根据给定的参数创建Signature 实例    signature: Union[str, Dict[str, Tuple[type, FieldInfo]]],    instructions: str = None,    signature_name: str = "StringSignature",) -> Type[Signature]:    """Create a new Signature type with the given fields and instructions.
    Note:        Even though we're calling a type, we're not making an instance of the type.        In general, instances of Signature types are not allowed to be made. The call        syntax is provided for convenience.
    Args:        signature: The signature format, specified as "input1, input2 -> output1, output2".        instructions: An optional prompt for the signature.        signature_name: An optional name for the new signature type.    """    fields = _parse_signature(signature) if isinstance(signature, str) else signature
    # Validate the fields, this is important because we sometimes forget the    # slightly unintuitive syntax with tuples of (type, Field)    fixed_fields = {}    for name, type_field in fields.items():        if not isinstance(name, str):            raise ValueError(f"Field names must be strings, not {type(name)}")        if isinstance(type_field, FieldInfo):            type_ = type_field.annotation            field = type_field        else:            if not isinstance(type_field, tuple):                raise ValueError(f"Field values must be tuples, not {type(type_field)}")            type_, field = type_field        # It might be better to be explicit about the type, but it currently would break        # program of thought and teleprompters, so we just silently default to string.        if type_ is None:            type_ = str        # if not isinstance(type_, type) and not isinstance(typing.get_origin(type_), type):        if not isinstance(type_, (type, typing._GenericAlias, types.GenericAlias)):            raise ValueError(f"Field types must be types, not {type(type_)}")        if not isinstance(field, FieldInfo):            raise ValueError(f"Field values must be Field instances, not {type(field)}")        fixed_fields[name] = (type_, field)
    # Fixing the fields shouldn't change the order    assert list(fixed_fields.keys()) == list(fields.keys())  # noqa: S101
    # Default prompt when no instructions are provided    if instructions is None:        sig = Signature(signature, "")  # Simple way to parse input/output fields        instructions = _default_instructions(sig)
    return create_model(        signature_name,        __base__=Signature,        __doc__=instructions,        **fixed_fields,    )
def _parse_signature(signature: str) -> Tuple[Type, Field]:     # 将字符串形式的输入输出转为对象    if signature.count("->") != 1:        raise ValueError(f"Invalid signature format: '{signature}', must contain exactly one '->'.")
    fields = {}    inputs_str, outputs_str = map(str.strip, signature.split("->"))    inputs = [v.strip() for v in inputs_str.split(",") if v.strip()]    outputs = [v.strip() for v in outputs_str.split(",") if v.strip()]    for name_type in inputs:        name, type_ = _parse_named_type_node(name_type)        fields[name] = (type_, InputField())    for name_type in outputs:        name, type_ = _parse_named_type_node(name_type)        fields[name] = (type_, OutputField())
    return fields
def infer_prefix(attribute_name: str) -> str:       # 同意在提示词中的格式,如首字母大写等    """Infer a prefix from an attribute name."""    # Convert camelCase to snake_case, but handle sequences of capital letters properly    s1 = re.sub("(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)", r"\1_\2", attribute_name)    intermediate_name = re.sub("([a-z0-9])([A-Z])", r"\1_\2", s1)
    # Insert underscores around numbers to ensure spaces in the final output    with_underscores_around_numbers = re.sub(        r"([a-zA-Z])(\d)",        r"\1_\2",        intermediate_name,    )    with_underscores_around_numbers = re.sub(        r"(\d)([a-zA-Z])",        r"\1_\2",        with_underscores_around_numbers,    )
    # Convert snake_case to 'Proper Title Case', but ensure acronyms are uppercased    words = with_underscores_around_numbers.split("_")    title_cased_words = []    for word in words:        if word.isupper():            title_cased_words.append(word)        else:            title_cased_words.append(word.capitalize())
    return " ".join(title_cased_words)
从代码中代码中可以看出,Signature类集成了pydantic.BaseModel,并设置了元类 SignatureMeta;pydantic.BaseModel是格式校验的类;SignatureMeta是自定义类,Signature的大部分提示词逻辑都来自SignatureMeta类。   
在Signature类及子类初始化时,首先会调用 SignatureMeta的__call__ 函数,__call__中调用了 make_signature函数,该函数主要是解析输出的字段,最终调用pydantic.create_model函数创建pydantic的格式类(__call__ -> make_signature -> pydantic.create_model),格式类中已经包含了输入输出字段以及对应的字段描述。
然后调用SignatureMeta的 __new__函数,该函数将子任务描述,传入到 cls.__doc__变量中,并且利用infer_prefix函数,修改了输入输出字段的格式,使他们统一为首字母大写的形式,存入到 field.json_schema_extra["prefix"] 中,将字段的描述,存入 field.json_schema_extra["desc"] 字段中,并返回类。
如果输入为字符串类型,则 make_signature中的_parse_signature 函数会 格式化这个字符串并转换为 dspy.InputFiled 或 dspy.OutputField类型,至此,通过字符串和Signature类定义的方式都统一成了相同类型。

在初始化时,调用了SignatureMeta类的__call__ 函数和 __new__函数,两个函数创建了pydantic.BaseModal类,并将输入输出字段进行格式化,将任务描述存入 cls.__doc__,至此,所有代码描述的注释和变量,都转变为了提示词中将要用到的字符串内容,在 dspy.Module执行时,则会对提示词进行填充。





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