



发布日期:2025-02-26 08:37:13 浏览次数: 1665 来源:AI重构未来


1. AI转型的四大目标:丰富员工体验、重塑客户互动、优化业务流程、推动创新
2. 微软AI解决方案在不同行业的应用案例与成效
3. AI在提升效率、优化流程、重塑客户体验方面的实际应用

微软最新发布的 300+企业AI转型真实案例,展示出各行各业的企业都在积极探索如何利用AI技术来提升效率、优化流程、重塑客户体验,并最终实现业务的转型与增长。这些案例覆盖了各种规模、各个行业的企业,详细展示了它们如何利用微软的AI解决方案来应对挑战、抓住机遇,并取得了显著的成效。

1、AI 转型的主要目标:






2:各行各业的 AI 转型案例



  • 自动化文档处理:Acentra Health 使用 Azure OpenAI 服务创建了 MedScribe。该解决方案节省了 11000 个护理小时和近 800000 美元。它还帮助每位护士每天处理 20 到 30 封信件,同时实现 MedScribe 生成的信件的 99% 批准率。

  • 智能助手:Michelin部署了Microsoft 365 Copilot和内部AI聊天机器人“Aurora”,旨在帮助员工优化工作和团队绩效,将生产力提高十倍。

  • 代码生成:Access Holdings Plc采用Microsoft 365 Copilot后,编写代码的时间从8小时缩短到2小时。

  • 会议效率提升:Cathay利用Microsoft 365 Copilot简化会议流程,有效管理信息,从而减少耗时任务并激发创造力。


  • 智能聊天机器人:Aditya Birla Capital在Microsoft Azure上构建了SimpliFi聊天机器人,通过智能搜索和主动提示简化金融服务信息和产品。

  • 客户服务优化:AIA在Dynamics 365 Customer Service中使用Copilot,使客户服务代表能够在更短的时间内处理更多案例。

  • 虚拟助手:空中印度(Air India) 利用 Azure OpenAI 服务开发了一个虚拟助手,该助手已经完全自动化地处理了近 400 万个客户查询,从而显著增强了客户体验,并避免了数百万美元的客户支持成本。

  • 销售效率提升:Sandvik Coromant使用Microsoft Copilot for Sales提高销售效率和准确性,从而使销售人员和客户经理能够专注于响应客户需求。

3)重塑业务流程:AI 是提高各种业务职能效率的有效方式。在营销中,它可以创建个性化内容以真正吸引不同的受众。对于供应链管理,它可以预测市场趋势,以便公司可以优化其库存水平。财务部门可以加快结算流程,而金融服务部门可以将其用于欺诈检测和风险评估。借助AI,公司不仅可以改进其当前的流程,还可以发现令人兴奋的新增长机会。具体案例如:

  • 供应链优化:U.S. AutoForce 实施 Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management,以集中仓库数据,连接流程并提高运营效率,同时使用 Microsoft Copilot for Finance 自动化每月对帐。

  • 财务流程自动化:Florida Crystals 采用了包括 Microsoft 365 Copilot 在内的增值解决方案,以降低电信费用并自动化工业过程控制。

  • 文档处理流程自动化:Hellenic Cadastre 构建了一个系统,用于读取和分类财产合同、应用法律规则,并使用 Azure OpenAI 服务提供评估以供审批。如今,房产交易评估只需不到 10 分钟,而不是几小时,每次评估的成本从 15 欧元降低到 0.11 欧元。该系统还增强了财产所有者的法律安全。

  • 网络安全增强:Intesa Sanpaolo Group通过AI驱动的Microsoft Sentinel和Microsoft Copilot for Security增强了网络安全,加快了威胁检测速度。

4)推动创新: AI正在加速产品开发、促进科研创新并推动业务模式转型。它帮助公司提出新想法、设计原型并快速迭代,从而缩短进入市场所需的时间。在汽车行业,它正在设计更高效的车辆。而在制药行业,它正在制造新的药物分子,从而缩短了几年的研发时间。而在教育领域,它改变了学生学习和实现目标的方式。具体案例如:

  • 汽车行业创新:丰田正在部署 AI 代理,以利用工程师的集体智慧,并在名为“O-Beya”(日语中的“big room”)的系统中更快地进行创新。“O-Beya”系统目前有九个 AI 代理——从振动剂到油耗剂。

  • 医疗创新:Ontada 实施了 Azure AI 和 Azure OpenAI Service,以定位近 100 个关键的肿瘤数据元素,涵盖 39 种癌症类型,现在可以访问估计 70% 以前未分析或未使用的信息,从而加速了其生命科学产品的开发,并将上市时间从几个月缩短到仅一周。

  • 教育革新:可汗学院携手微软推出了 AI 驱动的辅导工具 Khanmigo。为每个学生提供AI私人导师,为每位教师配备 AI教学助手。

  • 科研加速:NASA创建了Earth Copilot,以改变人们与地球数据交互的方式。加速科研进度。

  • 材料科学:Brembo利用Azure OpenAI开发了ALCHEMIX,用于生成创新型刹车片化合物,将新化合物的开发时间从几天缩短到几分钟。



1、AI准备情况评估:您的组织是否已准备好迎接AI转型,可以使用微软的AI准备向导(AI Readiness Wizard)评估。



3、选择合适的 AI 技术:应考虑技术的成熟度、稳定性、安全性、可扩展性等方面。多家AI科技大厂微软和谷歌都提供了丰富的AI解决方案,如微软的AI解决方案包括 Azure OpenAI Service、Microsoft 365 Copilot、Azure AI Search、Copilot Studio 等









How real-world businesses are transforming with AI – with 50 new stories


一、丰富员工体验(Enriching employee experiences)


1、Acentra Health created MedScribe using Azure OpenAI Service. The solution has saved 11,000 nursing hours and nearly $800,000. It also helped each nurse process 20 to 30 letters daily, while achieving a 99% approval rate for MedScribe-generated letters.

Acentra Health 使用 Azure OpenAI 服务创建了 MedScribe。该解决方案节省了 11000 个护理小时和近 800000 美元。它还帮助每位护士每天处理 20 到 30 封信件,同时实现 MedScribe 生成的信件的 99% 批准率。

2、Brisbane Catholic Education provides Microsoft 365 Copilot to 12,500 educators, and uses Microsoft Copilot Studio to create a generative AI tool to help educators integrate Catholic traditions and values into the classroom.

布里斯班天主教教育为 12,500 名教育工作者提供 Microsoft 365 Copilot,并使用 Microsoft Copilot Studio 创建生成式 AI 工具,以帮助教育工作者将天主教传统和价值观融入课堂。

3、Crediclub saves 96% per month in auditing expenses and analyzes 150 meetings per hour with Azure AI, freeing up time for 800 sales advisors and 150 branch managers to interact directly with customers.

Crediclub 每月节省 96% 的审计费用,并使用 Azure AI 每小时分析 150 次会议,从而为 800 名销售顾问和 150 名分公司经理腾出时间与客户直接互动。

4、eClinicalWorks developed a tool using Azure AI services and Azure AI Document Intelligence to help healthcare workers scan, sort and match thousands of faxes each year to match the faxed data with current patient files.

eClinicalWorks 使用 Azure AI 服务和 Azure AI Document Intelligence 开发了一种工具,可帮助医护人员每年扫描、排序和匹配数千份传真,以将传真数据与当前患者文件进行匹配。

5、Education Authority of Northern Ireland (EANI) introduced Microsoft 365 Copilot to reduce admin work, allowing teachers to focus on students. The Microsoft partnership ensures secure and ethical AI use, while teacher training focuses on prompt writing and effective tool adoption.

北爱尔兰教育局 (EANI) 引入了 Microsoft 365 Copilot 以减少管理工作,使教师能够专注于学生。与 Microsoft 的合作伙伴关系确保安全和合乎道德的 AI 使用,而教师培训则侧重于及时写作和有效采用工具。

6、Ma’aden uses Microsoft 365 Copilot to enhance productivity, saving up to 2,200 hours monthly. Tasks like drafting emails, creating documents and data analysis have become more efficient, helping Ma’aden achieve its growth goals.

Ma’aden使用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 来提高生产力,每月最多可节省 2,200 小时。起草电子邮件、创建文档和数据分析等任务变得更加高效,帮助 马 aden 实现了其增长目标。

7、Marketing org mci group uses Microsoft 365 Copilot to enhance the use of AI and other technological advances to boost employee efficiency.

营销组织 mci group 使用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 来增强 AI 和其他技术进步的使用,以提高员工效率。

8、Michelin deployed Microsoft 365 Copilot and a generative AI in-house chatbot based on Azure OpenAI Service called “Aurora” designed to help employees optimize work and team performance, boosting productivity tenfold.

米其林部署了 Microsoft 365 Copilot 和基于 Azure OpenAI 服务的生成式 AI 内部聊天机器人,称为“Aurora”,旨在帮助员工优化工作和团队绩效,将工作效率提高十倍。

9、Raiffeisen Bank International built its own ChatGPT using Azure OpenAI Service to automate repetitive tasks like documenting intelligence and more rapidly summarize legal, regulation and banking documents.

Raiffeisen Bank International 使用 Azure OpenAI 服务构建了自己的 ChatGPT,以自动执行重复性任务,例如记录情报,并更快地汇总法律、法规和银行文档。

10、Sanabil Investments deployed Microsoft 365 Copilot to help employees reduce the time spent on manual everyday tasks that diverted focus from more strategic and valuable work. Within two months, approximately 70% of employees regularly used Copilot.

Sanabil Investments 部署了 Microsoft 365 Copilot,以帮助员工减少花在手动日常任务上的时间,这些任务将注意力从更具战略性和更有价值的工作中转移开来。在两个月内,大约 70% 的员工经常使用 Copilot。

11、Sensei rolled out Microsoft 365 to reduce the number of internal apps and better connect systems for easier collaboration, and is using Microsoft 365 Copilot to increase efficiency.

Sensei 推出了 Microsoft 365 以减少内部应用程序的数量并更好地连接系统以简化协作,并使用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 来提高效率。

12、Sikshana Foundation is working with Microsoft Research India to introduce an AI copilot for teachers that shortens preparation time for lessons from an hour or more to just minutes.

Sikshana 基金会正在与 Microsoft 印度研究院合作,为教师引入 AI 副驾驶,将备课时间从一个小时或更长时间缩短到几分钟。

13、The University of Hong Kong adopted Microsoft 365 Copilot to enhance productivity by automating administrative tasks and providing intelligent assistance, allowing faculty to focus more on teaching.

香港大学采用 Microsoft 365 Copilot,通过自动执行管理任务和提供智能协助来提高工作效率,使教师能够更专注于教学。

14、Accenture and Avanade launched a Copilot business transformation practice, supported by Microsoft, and co-invested in new capabilities, solutions and training to help organizations securely and responsibly reinvent their business functions with generative and agentic AI and Copilot technologies.

埃森哲和埃维诺在 Microsoft 的支持下启动了 Copilot 业务转型实践,并共同投资于新功能、解决方案和培训,以帮助组织安全、负责任地利用生成式和代理式 AI 和 Copilot 技术重塑其业务功能。

15、Access Holdings Plc adopted Microsoft 365 Copilot, integrating generative AI into daily tools and, as a result, writing code now takes two hours instead of eight, chatbots launch in 10 days instead of three months and presentations are prepared in 45 minutes instead of six hours.

Access Holdings Plc 采用了 Microsoft 365 Copilot,将生成式 AI 集成到日常工具中,因此,编写代码现在只需 2 小时而不是 8 小时,聊天机器人在 10 天内启动,而不是三个月,演示文稿准备在 45 分钟而不是 6 小时内。

16、Adobe is connecting Adobe Experience Cloud workflows and insights with Microsoft 365 Copilot to deliver generative-AI powered capabilities that enable marketers to increase collaboration, efficiency and creativity.

Adobe 正在将 Adobe Experience Cloud 工作流程和洞察与 Microsoft 365 Copilot 连接起来,以提供生成式 AI 支持的功能,使营销人员能够提高协作、效率和创造力。

17、Amadeus empowers its teams to focus their time and skills on value-added tasks with Microsoft 365 Copilot, by summarizing email threads, chat or transcripts and summing up information from diverse sources.

艾玛迪斯通过汇总电子邮件线程、聊天或文稿并总结来自不同来源的信息,使其团队能够通过 Microsoft 365 Copilot 将时间和技能集中在增值任务上。

18、ANZ has invested in Microsoft 365 Copilot, GitHub Copilot and Copilot in Microsoft Edge to boost productivity and innovation across its workforce.

ANZ 已投资 Microsoft 365 Copilot、GitHub Copilot 和 Microsoft Edge 中的 Copilot,以提高其员工的工作效率和创新能力。

19、Asahi Europe & International (AEI) has adopted Microsoft 365 Copilot, saving employees potentially 15% of time previously spent on administrative tasks.

朝日欧洲与国际(AEI)已经采用了Microsoft 365 Copilot,可能为员工节省了15%的以前用于管理任务的时间。

20、AXA developed AXA Secure GPT, a platform powered by Azure OpenAI Service that empowers employees to leverage the power of generative AI while targeting the highest level of data safety and responsible use of the tool.

AXA 开发了 AXA Secure GPT,这是一个由 Azure OpenAI 服务提供支持的平台,使员工能够利用生成式 AI 的强大功能,同时实现最高级别的数据安全和负责任地使用该工具。

21、Axon Enterprise developed a new AI tool with Azure OpenAI Service called Draft One, resulting in an 82% decrease in time spent on reports, which freed up officers to engage more with their community.

Axon Enterprise 使用 Azure OpenAI 服务开发了一种名为 Draft One 的新 AI 工具,使报告时间减少了 82%,从而使警官能够更多地参与社区。

22、Aztec Group enhanced productivity and client experience by trialing Microsoft 365 Copilot with 300 staff, uncovering “unlimited” use cases and plans for a wider rollout.

Aztec Group 通过与 300 名员工一起试用 Microsoft 365 Copilot,发现“无限”用例和更广泛部署的计划,提高了工作效率和客户体验。

24、Bader Sultan & Bros. Co. W.L.L. implemented Microsoft 365 Copilot to enhance employee productivity and speed up customer response times.

Bader Sultan & Bros. Co. W.L.L.实施 Microsoft 365 Copilot 以提高员工工作效率并加快客户响应时间。

25、Bancolombia is using GitHub Copilot to empower its technical team, achieving a 30% increase in code generation, boosting automated application changes to an average of 18,000 per year, with a rate of 42 productive daily deployments.

Bancolombia 正在使用 GitHub Copilot 为其技术团队提供支持,将代码生成量提高了 30%,将自动化应用程序更改提高到平均每年 18,000 次,每天进行 42 次高效部署。

26、Bank of Queensland Group is using Microsoft 365 Copilot, with 70% of users saving two-and-a-half to five hours per week.

Bank of Queensland Group 正在使用 Microsoft 365 Copilot,70% 的用户每周可节省两个半到五个小时。

27、BaptistCare Community Services is using Microsoft 365 Copilot to save employees time as they navigate workforce shortage challenges allowing them to focus more on the people they care for.

BaptistCare 社区服务正在使用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 为员工节省应对劳动力短缺挑战的时间,使他们能够将更多精力放在他们所关心的人身上。

28、Barnsley Council was recognized as “Double Council of the Year in 2023” for its implementation of Microsoft 365 Copilot, which modernized operations and reduced administrative tasks, leading to improved job satisfaction and increased creativity.

巴恩斯利委员会因其实施 Microsoft 365 Copilot 而被公认为“2023 年度双委员会”,该 Copilot 实现了运营现代化并减少了管理任务,从而提高了工作满意度并增强了创造力。

29、BlackRock purchased more than 24,000 Microsoft 365 Copilot licenses spanning all employees, functions and locations, helping improve the Copilot experience, including codeveloping new features and functions.

BlackRock 购买了超过 24,000 个 Microsoft 365 Copilot 许可证,涵盖所有员工、职能和地点,帮助改善 Copilot 体验,包括共同开发新特性和功能。

30、British Heart Foundation is testing Microsoft 365 Copilot and in its initial test, users estimate that Microsoft 365 Copilot could save them up to 30 minutes per day.

英国心脏基金会正在测试 Microsoft 365 Copilot,在其初步测试中,用户估计 Microsoft 365 Copilot 每天最多可为他们节省 30 分钟。

31、Buckinghamshire Council deployed Microsoft 365 Copilot with staff reporting productivity improvements, quality enhancements and time savings which are enabling the different teams to do more with less.

白金汉郡议会部署了 Microsoft 365 Copilot,员工报告说工作效率提高、质量增强和时间节省,使不同的团队能够事半功倍。

32、Campari Group adopted Microsoft 365 Copilot to help employees integrate it into their workflow, resulting in time savings of about two hours a week from the support of routine activities such as email management, meeting preparation, content creation and skill acquisition.

Campari Group 采用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 来帮助员工将其集成到他们的工作流程中,从而通过支持日常活动(如电子邮件管理、会议准备、内容创建和技能获取)每周节省约两个小时的时间。

33、Canadian Tire Corporation moved its data from on-premises systems to Microsoft Azure and built digital assistants using Azure OpenAI Service, and now more than 3,000 corporate employees save 30 to 60 minutes a day using its ChatCTC digital assistant.

Canadian Tire Corporation 将其数据从本地系统迁移到 Microsoft Azure,并使用 Azure OpenAI 服务构建数字助理,现在 3,000 多名公司员工使用其 ChatCTC 数字助理每天节省 30 到 60 分钟。

34、Capita is using GitHub Copilot for productivity improvements as well as improvements in developer satisfaction, recruitment and retention.

Capita 正在使用 GitHub Copilot 来提高生产力,并提高开发人员满意度、招聘和保留率。

35、Cathay leverages Microsoft 365 Copilot to streamline meetings and manage information more effectively, reducing time-consuming tasks and fostering creativity.

Cathay 利用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 来简化会议并更有效地管理信息,从而减少耗时的任务并培养创造力。

36、CDW used Microsoft 365 Copilot to improve work quality for 88% of users, enabling 77% to complete tasks faster, and increasing productivity for 85% of users.

CDW 使用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 提高了 88% 用户的工作质量,使 77% 的用户能够更快地完成任务,并提高了 85% 用户的工作效率。

37、Chi Mei Medical Center is lightening workloads for doctors, nurses and pharmacists with a generative AI assistant built on Azure OpenAI Service.

奇美医疗中心正在通过基于 Azure OpenAI 服务构建的生成式 AI 助手减轻医生、护士和药剂师的工作量。

38、Clifford Chance adopted Microsoft 365 Copilot to streamline tasks, automate processes and enhance collaboration. Lawyers use it to draft and manage emails and ensure compliance, allowing them to focus on complex legal work and improve productivity.

Clifford Chance 采用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 来简化任务、自动化流程并增强协作。律师使用它来起草和管理电子邮件并确保合规性,使他们能够专注于复杂的法律工作并提高生产力。

39、DLA Piper chose Microsoft 365 Copilot to boost productivity for operational and administrative teams, saving up to 36 hours weekly on content generation and data analysis.

DLA Piper 选择 Microsoft 365 Copilot 来提高运营和管理团队的工作效率,每周节省多达 36 小时的内容生成和数据分析时间。

40、Eaton adopted Microsoft 365 Copilot to automate the creation of 1,000 standard operating procedures to streamline customer service operations and improve data access across teams, cutting creation time from one hour to 10 minutes.

Eaton 采用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 自动创建 1,000 个标准作业程序,以简化客户服务作并改善跨团队的数据访问,从而将创建时间从 1 小时缩短到 10 分钟。

41、E.ON is focused on Germany’s energy transition, leveraging Microsoft 365 Copilot to manage the complex grid in real-time, increasing productivity and efficiency for its workforce.

E.ON 专注于德国的能源转型,利用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 实时管理复杂的电网,从而提高其员工的生产力和效率。

42、Enerijisa Uretim has adopted Microsoft 365 Copilot to streamline meeting summaries, reformat documents and compile reports, enabling employees to concentrate on more strategic and fulfilling activities instead of spending six hours in meetings.

Enerijisa Uretim 采用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 来简化会议摘要、重新格式化文档和编译报告,使员工能够专注于更具战略性和成就感的活动,而不是花费 6 个小时开会。

43、EPAM is deploying Microsoft 365 Copilot to consolidate information and generate content and documents.

EPAM 正在部署 Microsoft 365 Copilot 来整合信息并生成内容和文档。

44、Farm Credit Canada implemented Microsoft 365 Copilot which resulted in time savings on routine tasks for 78% of users, with 30% saving 30 to 60 minutes per week and 35% saving over an hour per week, allowing employees to focus on more value-added tasks.

Farm Credit Canada 实施了 Microsoft 365 Copilot,为 78% 的用户节省了日常任务的时间,其中 30% 的用户每周节省 30 到 60 分钟,35% 的用户每周节省一个多小时,使员工能够专注于更多增值任务。

45、Finastra used Microsoft 365 Copilot to automate tasks, enhance content creation, improve analytics and personalize customer interactions, with employees citing a 20%-50% time savings.

Finastra 使用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 来自动执行任务、增强内容创建、改进分析和个性化客户交互,员工表示节省了 20%-50% 的时间。

46、Four Agency Worldwide increased employee productivity using Microsoft 365 Copilot to generate ideas for creative work and support administrative-heavy processes, data analysis and report generation, allowing staff to focus on outreach and less time doing paperwork.

Four Agency Worldwide 使用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 为创意工作产生想法并支持繁重的行政流程、数据分析和报告生成,从而提高了员工的工作效率,使员工能够专注于外展工作,减少做文书工作的时间。

47、Goodwill of Orange County developed an AI-powered app using Azure AI capabilities to help more people, including those with developmental, intellectual and physical disabilities, work in unfilled e-commerce positions.

Goodwill of Orange County 使用 Azure AI 功能开发了一个 AI 驱动的应用程序,以帮助更多人(包括有发育、智力和身体残疾的人)在空缺的电子商务职位上工作。

48、Harvey uses Azure OpenAI to simplify routine tasks across hundreds of law firms and legal teams, with one corporate lawyer saying he saved 10 hours of work per week.

Harvey 使用 Azure OpenAI 简化了数百家律师事务所和法律团队的日常任务,一位公司律师表示,他每周节省了 10 个小时的工作时间。

49、Honeywell employees are saving 92 minutes per week — that’s 74 hours a year! Disclaimer: Statistics are from an internal Honeywell survey of 5,000 employees where 611 employees responded.

霍尼韦尔员工每周节省 92 分钟 — 即每年节省 74 小时!免责声明:统计数据来自霍尼韦尔对 5,000 名员工的内部调查,其中 611 名员工做出了回应。

50、Insight employees using Copilot are seeing four hours of productivity gained per week from data summarization and content creation.

使用 Copilot 的 Insight 员工每周通过数据摘要和内容创建提高了 4 小时的工作效率。

51、Joos uses Microsoft 365 Copilot to grow its brand with worldwide collaboration by streamlining meetings, optimizing presentations and improving communications.

Joos 使用 Microsoft 365 Copilot,通过简化会议、优化演示和改善通信,通过全球协作来发展其品牌。

52、Kantar is harnessing the power of Microsoft 365 Copilot by reducing costly, time-consuming IT processes and boosting productivity for employees.

Kantar 正在利用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 的强大功能,减少成本高昂、耗时的 IT 流程并提高员工的工作效率。

53、KMS Lighthouse enhanced its knowledge management platform with Microsoft Teams and Dynamics 365 integration, enabling users to leverage KMS Lighthouse without having to switch applications. And with Azure OpenAI Service, companies can create relevant content more quickly within the KMS Lighthouse application.

KMS Lighthouse 通过 Microsoft Teams 和 Dynamics 365 集成增强了其知识管理平台,使用户能够利用 KMS Lighthouse,而无需切换应用程序。借助 Azure OpenAI 服务,公司可以在 KMS Lighthouse 应用程序中更快地创建相关内容。

54、KPMG Australia is using Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service, Azure AI Search and Microsoft Copilot 365 to perform advanced text analysis of dozens of client source documents to identify full or partial compliance, or noncompliance, in a fraction of the time required for manual assessments.

毕马威澳大利亚正在使用 Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service、Azure AI Search 和 Microsoft Copilot 365 对数十个客户源文档进行高级文本分析,以识别完全或部分合规或不合规,而所需时间仅为手动评估所需时间的一小部分。

55、LGT is launching Microsoft Copilot LGT to improve efficiency, showing users save an average of an hour a week even in the pilot phase.

LGT 推出 Microsoft Copilot LGT 以提高效率,即使在试点阶段,用户也平均每周可节省一个小时。

56、Localiza&Co, a leader in the mobility industry in Latin America, implemented Microsoft 365 Copilot to automate processes and improve efficiency, and reduced 8.3 working hours per employee per month.

Localiza&Co 是拉丁美洲移动行业的领导者,它实施了 Microsoft 365 Copilot 来自动化流程并提高效率,并减少了每位员工每月 8.3 小时的工作时间。

57、Lotte Hotels & Resorts has been creating a new work culture that allows employees to work more efficiently and focus on the nature of the work by adopting Microsoft Power Platform for automation.

乐天酒店及度假村一直在创造一种新的工作文化,让员工能够更高效地工作,并通过采用Microsoft Power Platform实现自动化,专注于工作的性质。

58、MAIRE is leveraging Microsoft 365 Copilot to automate routine tasks, saving over 800 working hours per month, freeing up engineers and professionals for strategic activities while supporting MAIRE’s green energy transition by reducing their carbon footprint.

MAIRE 正在利用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 自动执行日常任务,每月节省 800 多个工作时间,让工程师和专业人员腾出时间进行战略活动,同时通过减少碳足迹来支持 MAIRE 的绿色能源转型。

59、McDonald’s China chose Microsoft Azure AI, GitHub Copilot and Azure AI Search to transform its operations, resulting in a significant increase in AI adoption, consumption and retention from 2,000 to 30,000 employee transactions monthly.

麦当劳中国选择 Microsoft Azure AI、GitHub Copilot 和 Azure AI 搜索来转变其运营方式,从而显著提高了 AI 的采用率、消费量和留存率,从每月 2,000 笔员工交易增加到 30,000 笔。

60、McKnight Foundation adopted Microsoft 365 Copilot for all staff, saving time, increasing productivity and freeing space to focus on strategic priorities.

麦克奈特基金会为所有员工采用了 Microsoft 365 Copilot,从而节省了时间、提高了工作效率并腾出空间来专注于战略优先事项。

61、Medigold Health uses Azure OpenAI Service to significantly reduce the time that clinicians spend writing reports during their consultation and administrative time.

Medigold Health 使用 Azure OpenAI 服务显著减少临床医生在咨询和管理时间期间编写报告所花费的时间。

62、Morula Health is using Microsoft 365 Copilot to enhance productivity, streamline medical writing tasks and ensure data security, ultimately improving efficiency and client satisfaction.

Morula Health 正在使用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 来提高生产力、简化医学写作任务并确保数据安全,从而最终提高效率和客户满意度。

63、Motor Oil Group is achieving remarkable efficiency gains by integrating Microsoft 365 Copilot into its workflows, with staff spending minutes on tasks that used to take weeks.

Motor Oil Group 通过将 Microsoft 365 Copilot 集成到其工作流程中,使员工只需几分钟即可完成过去需要数周才能完成的任务,从而显著提高了效率。

64、Nagel-Group uses Azure OpenAI Service to help employees quickly access information which saves time, creates efficiency and transparency and leads to higher-quality answers overall.

Nagel-Group 使用 Azure OpenAI 服务帮助员工快速访问信息,从而节省时间、提高效率和透明度,并带来更高质量的整体答案。

65、National Australia Bank is leveraging Microsoft 365 Copilot for daily productivity and data analysis and insights and Security Copilot to quickly analyze millions of security event logs and allow engineers to focus on more important areas.

澳大利亚国民银行正在利用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 进行日常生产力和数据分析以及见解,并利用 Security Copilot 快速分析数百万个安全事件日志,并允许工程师专注于更重要的领域。

66、NFL Players Association integrated Azure AI Services and Azure App Service into their video review process, reducing review time by up to 73%, significantly increasing efficiency and enhancing player safety through consistent rule enforcement.

NFL 球员协会将 Azure AI 服务和 Azure 应用服务集成到其视频审查流程中,将审查时间缩短了 73%,通过一致的规则实施显著提高了效率并增强了球员安全。

67、O2 Czech Republic boosts productivity and streamlines meetings with Microsoft 365 Copilot, revolutionizing how information is shared and making automation a part of daily work.

O2 Czech Republic 使用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 提高了工作效率并简化了会议,彻底改变了信息共享方式,并使自动化成为日常工作的一部分。

68、Onepoint developed a secure conversational agent based on Azure OpenAI which delivers productivity gains of between 10% and 15% across all business lines.

Onepoint 开发了一个基于 Azure OpenAI 的安全对话代理,可在所有业务线中将生产力提高 10% 到 15%。

69、Orange Group has over 40 use cases with Azure OpenAI Service and GitHub Copilot across business functions to support employees in their day-to-day tasks, enabling them to concentrate on higher value-added activities.

Orange Group 在业务职能部门拥有 40 多个 Azure OpenAI 服务和 GitHub Copilot 用例,以支持员工完成日常任务,使他们能够专注于更高附加值的活动。

70、Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust implemented Microsoft 365 Copilot to improve staff report productivity by saving one to two hours a week, or simple formatting tasks down to a matter of seconds, enabling more resources to deliver frontline services.

牛津大学医院 NHS 基金会信托基金实施了 Microsoft 365 Copilot,通过每周节省一到两个小时或在几秒钟内完成简单的格式化任务来提高员工报告工作效率,从而使更多资源能够提供一线服务。

71、PA Consulting transformed its sales operations with Microsoft 365 Copilot, so its people can invest more time on the activities that have the biggest impact for clients and maximize the strategic value they provide.

PA Consulting 使用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 实现了销售运营转型,因此其员工可以将更多时间投入到对客户影响最大的活动上,并最大限度地发挥他们提供的战略价值。

72、Petrobras used Azure OpenAI Service to create ChatPetrobras, which is streamlining workflows, reducing manual tasks and summarizing reports for its 110,000 employees.

Petrobras 使用 Azure OpenAI 服务创建了 ChatPetrobras,该服务正在简化工作流、减少手动任务并为其 110,000 名员工总结报告。

73、Petrochemical Industries Company automates work processes to save time with Microsoft 365 Copilot from weeks to days, hours to seconds.

Petrochemical Industries Company 使用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 实现工作流程自动化,将时间从数周缩短到数天,将数小时缩短到几秒钟。

74、PIMCO built ChatGWM with Azure AI Foundry, a comprehensive platform that provides the ability to ask questions, receive responses and verify answers all in one place, so teams can spend more time engaging clients and having deeper conversations.

PIMCO 使用 Azure AI Foundry 构建了 ChatGWM,这是一个综合平台,能够在一个位置提出问题、接收回复和验证答案,因此团队可以花更多时间与客户互动并进行更深入的对话。

75、PKSHA Technology is optimizing their time on critical work by increasing efficiency in meeting preparations, data analytics and ideation with the help of Microsoft 365 Copilot.

PKSHA Technology 在 Microsoft 365 Copilot 的帮助下,通过提高会议准备、数据分析和构思的效率,优化了他们在关键工作上的时间。

76、Providence has collaborated with Nuance and Microsoft to accelerate development and adoption of generative AI-powered applications, helping improve care quality and access, and reduce physician’s administrative workloads.

Providence 与 Nuance 和 Microsoft 合作,加速生成式 AI 驱动的应用程序的开发和采用,帮助提高护理质量和可及性,并减少医生的管理工作量。

77、RTI International adopted Microsoft 365 Copilot to gain productivity wherever possible, allowing staff to focus on their areas of expertise, delivering even better science-backed solutions for clients.

RTI International 采用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 来尽可能提高生产力,使员工能够专注于他们的专业领域,为客户提供更好的科学解决方案。

78、SACE, an Italian finance and insurance firm, is using Microsoft 365 Copilot and Viva to boost productivity and unlock employee potential while enhancing overall well-being — and productivity improvement data from the first nine months of implementation shows a 23% increase.

SACE 是一家意大利金融和保险公司,正在使用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 和 Viva 来提高生产力并释放员工潜力,同时增强整体幸福感 - 实施前 9 个月的生产力改进数据显示,生产力提高了 23%。

79、Sandvik Coromant is using Microsoft Copilot for Sales to drive efficiency and accuracy, shaving at least one minute off each transaction, allowing sellers and account managers to focus their expertise on responding to customers’ needs with analysis, creativity and adaptability.

Sandvik Coromant 正在使用 Microsoft Copilot for Sales 来提高效率和准确性,将每笔交易至少缩短一分钟,使销售人员和客户经理能够集中精力通过分析、创造力和适应性来响应客户需求。

80、Sasfin Bank built a solution on Microsoft Azure that centralized 20,000 documents to analyze contract clauses and provide real-time snapshots, moving guesswork into data-driven decision-making.

Sasfin Bank 在 Microsoft Azure 上构建了一个解决方案,该解决方案集中了 20,000 个文档来分析合同条款并提供实时快照,从而将猜测转化为数据驱动的决策。

81、Scottish Water implemented Microsoft 365 Copilot reducing mundane tasks to a minimum, and thus freeing up time for employees to work on the more meaningful tasks.

Scottish Water 实施了 Microsoft 365 Copilot,将日常任务减少到最低限度,从而为员工腾出时间来处理更有意义的任务。

82、Shriners Children’s developed an AI platform allowing clinicians to easily and securely navigate patient data in a singular location, enhancing patient care, and improving the efficiency of their healthcare services.

Shriners Children's 开发了一个 AI 平台,使临床医生能够轻松安全地在单个位置导航患者数据,从而增强患者护理并提高其医疗保健服务的效率。

83、Siemens is leveraging Azure OpenAI Service to improve efficiency, cut downtime and address labor shortages.

Siemens 正在利用 Azure OpenAI 服务来提高效率、减少停机时间并解决劳动力短缺问题。

84、Softchoice employees are experiencing firsthand how Microsoft 365 Copilot can transform daily workflows, realizing productivity gains of 97% reduction in time spent summarizing technical meetings and up to 70% less time spent on content creation.

Softchoice 员工亲身体验了 Microsoft 365 Copilot 如何改变日常工作流程,实现了生产力提升,总结技术会议的时间减少了 97%,内容创建时间减少了 70%。

85、Syensqo utilized Microsoft’s Azure OpenAI Service to develop a custom AI chatbot in three months, which improved their internal data management, decision-making and overall efficiency.

Syensqo 利用 Microsoft 的 Azure OpenAI 服务在三个月内开发了一个自定义 AI 聊天机器人,从而改善了他们的内部数据管理、决策和整体效率。

86、Teladoc Health uses Microsoft 365 Copilot to revolutionize its telehealth operations, automating routine tasks, boosting efficiency and increasing productivity.

Teladoc Health 使用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 彻底改变其远程医疗运营,自动执行日常任务,提高效率并提高生产力。

87、Telstra developed two cutting-edge generative AI tools based on Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service: 90% of employees are using the One Sentence Summary tool which resulted in 20% less follow-up customer contact and 84% of customer service agents using the Ask Telstra solution.

Telstra 基于 Microsoft Azure OpenAI 服务开发了两个尖端的生成式 AI 工具:90% 的员工正在使用一句话摘要工具,这导致后续客户联系减少了 20%,84% 的客户服务代理使用 Ask Telstra 解决方案。

88、Topsoe achieved 85% AI adoption among office employees in seven months, significantly enhancing productivity and business processes.

Topsoe 在 7 个月内在办公室员工中实现了 85% 的 AI 采用率,显著提高了生产力和业务流程。

89、Torfaen County Borough Council utilized Microsoft 365 Copilot to streamline back-office processes, resulting in significant time savings and enhanced productivity for both business and children’s services teams, with further rollouts planned.

托尔法恩县自治市议会利用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 来简化后台流程,从而为企业和儿童服务团队节省了大量时间并提高了工作效率,并计划进一步推出。

90、Trace3 leveraged Microsoft 365 Copilot to streamline and enhance processes across the business and with clients, such as reducing the time it takes HR recruiting managers to respond to applicants within a couple of days instead of several weeks.

Trace3 利用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 来简化和增强整个企业和客户的流程,例如减少人力资源招聘经理在几天而不是几周内回复申请人所需的时间。

91、Unilever is reinventing their marketing process with Copilot, saving time on briefing tasks, automatically pulling in relevant market data, content and insights to accelerate campaign launches.

Unilever 正在通过 Copilot 重塑其营销流程,节省简报任务的时间,自动提取相关的市场数据、内容和洞察,以加快营销活动的启动。

92、Uniper SE implemented Microsoft 365 Copilot to reduce time spent on manual and repetitive tasks, and help workers focus on more pressing work, such as developing enhanced solutions to speed up the energy transition.

Uniper SE 实施了 Microsoft 365 Copilot,以减少花在手动和重复性任务上的时间,并帮助工人专注于更紧迫的工作,例如开发增强的解决方案以加快能源转型。

93、Unum Group built a custom AI application to search 1.3 terabytes of data with 95% accuracy using Azure OpenAI Service.

Unum Group 构建了一个自定义 AI 应用程序,以 Azure OpenAI 服务以 95% 的准确率搜索 1.3TB 的数据。

94、Virgin Atlantic adopted Microsoft 365 Copilot and GitHub Copilot and is seeing real business benefits, including productivity improvements, enabling new ways of working.

Virgin Atlantic 采用了 Microsoft 365 Copilot 和 GitHub Copilot,并看到了真正的商业优势,包括提高生产力,实现新的工作方式。

95、Visier built a generative AI assistant that leverages Azure AI and Azure OpenAI Services to deliver workforce analytics and actionable insights for more than 50,000 customers.

Visier 构建了一个生成式 AI 助手,该助手利用 Azure AI 和 Azure OpenAI 服务为 50,000 多名客户提供劳动力分析和可作的见解。

96、Virtual Dental Care developed an AI application Smart Scan that leverages Microsoft Azure to reduce paperwork for mobile dental clinics in schools by 75% and frees dentists to devote more time to patient care.

Virtual Dental Care 开发了一个 AI 应用程序 Smart Scan,它利用 Microsoft Azure 将学校移动牙科诊所的文书工作减少了 75%,并使牙医能够将更多时间投入到患者护理中。

97、Zakladni Skola As Hlavkova adopted Microsoft 365 Copilot and saw a 60% improvement in handling administrative documents, decreased lesson preparation from hours to few minutes, increased inclusivity and enhanced communication with students and parents.

Zakladni Skola As Hlavkova 采用了 Microsoft 365 Copilot,在处理管理文档方面取得了 60% 的改进,将备课时间从数小时缩短到几分钟,提高了包容性,并加强了与学生和家长的沟通。

二、重塑客户交互(Reinventing customer engagement)


98、Aditya Birla Capital built the SimpliFi chatbot on Microsoft Azure to simplify financial services information and offers through intelligent search and proactive nudging with minimum latency and high scalability.

Aditya Birla Capital 在 Microsoft Azure 上构建了 SimpliFi 聊天机器人,通过智能搜索和主动推动以最小的延迟和高可扩展性来简化金融服务信息和产品。

99、AIA is using Copilot in Dynamics 365 Customer Service to allow customer service representatives to handle more cases in less time by automating time-consuming tasks like drafting customer emails and summarizing lengthy chats and case histories.

AIA 正在使用 Dynamics 365 Customer Service 中的 Copilot,通过自动执行耗时的任务(例如起草客户电子邮件和总结冗长的聊天和案例历史记录),使客户服务代表能够在更短的时间内处理更多案例。

100、Aydem Energy and Microsoft partner Softtech used Azure OpenAI Service to create an AI assistant for WhatsApp, providing customers with real-time updates and handling meter readings, bill checks and claims.

Aydem Energy 和 Microsoft 合作伙伴 Softtech 使用 Azure OpenAI 服务为 WhatsApp 创建了 AI 助手,为客户提供实时更新并处理电表读数、账单检查和索赔。

101、The City of Buenos Aires developed Boti with ChatGPT using Azure OpenAI Service to manage multiple service channels and personalize key services for residents and tourists. The chatbot centralizes data, enables natural language interactions and scales to handle high demands, managing 2 million queries per month without human intervention, alleviating the operational burden by 50%, improving the citizen experience and increasing efficiency.

布宜诺斯艾利斯市使用 Azure OpenAI 服务开发了带有 ChatGPT 的 Boti,以管理多个服务渠道并为居民和游客提供个性化关键服务。该聊天机器人集中数据,支持自然语言交互和扩展以处理高需求,每月管理 200 万次查询,无需人工干预,将运营负担减轻 50%,改善公民体验并提高效率。

102、de Alliantie built a generative AI chatbot using Azure OpenAI to digest information in their online knowledge base so staff can get accurate answers in seconds. Another Azure AI-based solution transcribes and summarizes calls, then categorizes them by theme.

de Alliantie 使用 Azure OpenAI 构建了一个生成式 AI 聊天机器人,以消化其在线知识库中的信息,以便员工可以在几秒钟内获得准确的答案。另一个基于 Azure AI 的解决方案转录和汇总呼叫,然后按主题对呼叫进行分类。

103、Haceb created a virtual technical support assistant with generative AI, helping on-the-ground technicians troubleshoot, diagnose and resolve product issues faster and more efficiently.

Haceb 使用生成式 AI 创建了一个虚拟技术支持助手,帮助现场技术人员更快、更高效地排除故障、诊断和解决产品问题。

104、Lloyds Banking Group developed the Branch Translation App using Microsoft Power Apps and Azure AI services with a goal to improve communication with non-English speaking customers and the innovation enhanced service delivery, receiving positive feedback from employees and customers alike.

Lloyds Banking Group 使用 Microsoft Power Apps 和 Azure AI 服务开发了 Branch Translation 应用程序,旨在改善与非英语客户的沟通,并通过创新增强服务交付,获得员工和客户的积极反馈。

105、Staffbase provides its clients with Staffbase Companion, which helps it enhance internal communication with quick content generation, summarization, translation and future capabilities — and remain confident in data protection.

Staffbase 为其客户提供 Staffbase Companion,帮助其通过快速内容生成、摘要、翻译和未来功能来增强内部沟通,并保持对数据保护的信心。

106、Tekion built Automative Retail Cloud, a unified, cloud-native platform that uses generative AI to analyze communications, extract insights and provide customer-specific recommendations for sales agents.

Tekion 构建了 Automative Retail Cloud,这是一个统一的云原生平台,它使用生成式 AI 来分析通信、提取见解并为销售代理提供特定于客户的建议。

107、Welcome Account created a banking application with a conversational agent based on Azure OpenAI Service, in order to help people manage their finances and administrative procedures. This multilingual agent already assists no less than a thousand refugees on a daily basis.

Welcome Account 创建了一个基于 Azure OpenAI 服务的带有对话代理的银行应用程序,以帮助人们管理其财务和管理程序。这个多语种代理每天已经帮助了不少于 1000 名难民。

108、UBS is using Azure AI solutions, including Azure AI Search and Azure OpenAI Service, to power “Smart Assistants” that streamline content access and provide real-time information to Client Advisors, boosting efficiency and client engagement.

UBS 正在使用 Azure AI 解决方案(包括 Azure AI 搜索和 Azure OpenAI 服务)来支持“智能助手”,以简化内容访问并向客户顾问提供实时信息,从而提高效率和客户参与度。

109、Virbe enables businesses to interact with customers through AI-powered avatars, and with Azure AI services like Azure OpenAI Service and Azure AI Search, Virbe enhanced its AI avatars and simplified engagement with enterprise customers — and customers are seeing up to a 10x increase in leads.

Virbe 使企业能够通过 AI 驱动的虚拟形象与客户互动,借助 Azure OpenAI 服务和 Azure AI 搜索等 Azure AI 服务,Virbe 增强了其 AI 虚拟形象并简化了与企业客户的互动,客户的潜在客户数量增加了 10 倍。

110、Absa has adopted Microsoft Copilot to streamline various business processes, saving several hours on administrative tasks each day.

Absa 采用 Microsoft Copilot 来简化各种业务流程,每天节省数小时的管理任务。

111、Adobe leverages Microsoft Azure to streamline the customer experience, harnessing the power of the connected cloud services and creating a synergy that drives AI transformation across industries.

Adobe 利用 Microsoft Azure 来简化客户体验,利用互联云服务的强大功能,并创造推动跨行业 AI 转型的协同效应。

112、Acentra Health developed Medscribe, a web application that uses Azure OpenAI Service to generate draft letters in a secure, HIPPA-compliant enclave that responds to customer appeals for healthcare services within 24 hours, reducing the time spent on each appeal letter by 50%.

Acentra Health 开发了 Medscribe,这是一个 Web 应用程序,它使用 Azure OpenAI 服务在安全、符合 HIPPA 标准的飞地中生成草稿信件,在 24 小时内响应客户对医疗保健服务的上诉,将每封上诉信所花费的时间减少了 50%。

113、Air India leveraged Azure OpenAI Service to develop a virtual assistant that has handled nearly 4 million customer queries with full automation, significantly enhancing customer experience and avoiding millions of dollars in customer support costs.

印度航空公司利用 Azure OpenAI 服务开发了一个虚拟助手,该助手以完全自动化的方式处理了近 400 万个客户查询,显著增强了客户体验并避免了数百万美元的客户支持成本。

114、Alaska Airlines is using Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Defender, and GitHub to ensure its passengers have a seamless journey from ticket purchase to baggage pickup and started leveraging Azure OpenAI Service to unlock more business value for its customer care and contact centers.

阿拉斯加航空公司正在使用 Microsoft Azure、Microsoft Defender 和 GitHub 来确保其乘客从购票到领取行李的无缝旅程,并开始利用 Azure OpenAI 服务为其客户服务和联络中心释放更多业务价值。

115、Ally Financial is using Azure OpenAI Service to reduce manual tasks for its customer service associates, freeing up time for them to engage with customers.

Ally Financial 正在使用 Azure OpenAI 服务来减少其客户服务助理的手动任务,从而腾出时间与客户互动。

116、BMW Group optimizes the customer experience connecting 13 million active users to their vehicles with the MyBMW app on Azure, which supports 450 million daily requests and 3.2TB data processing.

BMW Group 使用 Azure 上的 MyBMW 应用优化了将 1300 万活跃用户连接到其车辆的客户体验,该应用支持每天 4.5 亿个请求和 3.2TB 的数据处理。

117、Boyner has tripled its e-commerce performance using Microsoft Azure, seeing a rise in customer satisfaction, engagement, conversion rate and revenue.

Boyner 使用 Microsoft Azure 将其电子商务绩效提高了两倍,客户满意度、参与度、转化率和收入都有所提高。

118、Bradesco Bank integrated Microsoft Azure to its virtual assistant, BIA, resulting in reduced response time from days to hours, improving operational efficiency and client satisfaction.

Bradesco Bank 将 Microsoft Azure 集成到其虚拟助手 BIA 中,从而将响应时间从几天缩短到几小时,从而提高运营效率和客户满意度。

119、Capgemini Mexico integrated GitHub Copilot to support scalable AI implementations which has led to improved customer experiences and increased efficiency.

Capgemini Mexico 集成了 GitHub Copilot 以支持可扩展的 AI 实施,从而改善了客户体验并提高了效率。

120、Capitec Bank uses Azure OpenAI Service and Microsoft 365 Copilot, enabling their AI-powered chatbot to assist customer service consultants in accessing product information more efficiently, saving significant time for employees each week.

Capitec Bank 使用 Azure OpenAI 服务和 Microsoft 365 Copilot,使其 AI 驱动的聊天机器人能够帮助客户服务顾问更高效地访问产品信息,每周为员工节省大量时间。

121、Cdiscount is leveraging GitHub Copilot and Azure OpenAI Service to enhance developer efficiency, optimize product sheet categorization and improve customer satisfaction.

Cdiscount 正在利用 GitHub Copilot 和 Azure OpenAI 服务来提高开发人员的效率、优化产品表分类并提高客户满意度。

122、Cemex used Azure OpenAI Service to launch Technical Xpert, an AI tool used by sales agents to provide instant access to comprehensive product and customer solution information, significantly reducing search time by 80%.

Cemex 使用 Azure OpenAI 服务推出了 Technical Xpert,这是一种 AI 工具,销售代理使用它来提供对全面产品和客户解决方案信息的即时访问,从而将搜索时间显著缩短了 80%。

123、Chanel elevated their client experience and improved employee efficiency by leveraging Microsoft Fabric and Azure OpenAI Service for real-time translations and quality monitoring.

Chanel 通过利用 Microsoft Fabric 和 Azure OpenAI 服务进行实时翻译和质量监控,提升了他们的客户体验并提高了员工效率。

124、City of Burlington created two AI-powered solutions: MyFiles system using Microsoft Power Platform for building permits, and CoBy, a 24/7 customer support assistant using Microsoft Copilot Studio.

伯灵顿市创建了两个 AI 驱动的解决方案:使用 Microsoft Power Platform 的 MyFiles 系统来获得建筑许可,以及使用 Microsoft Copilot Studio 的 24/7 全天候客户支持助手 CoBy。

125、City of Madrid created an AI virtual assistant with Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service offering tourists accurate, real-time information and personalized responses in 95-plus languages.

马德里市使用 Microsoft Azure OpenAI 服务创建了一个 AI 虚拟助手,以 95 多种语言为游客提供准确、实时的信息和个性化响应。

126、Cognizant is making performance management more effective and meaningful with Microsoft Azure Machine Learning to help clients across industries envision, build, and run innovative digital enterprises.

Cognizant 通过 Microsoft Azure 机器学习使绩效管理更加有效和有意义,以帮助各行各业的客户设想、构建和运行创新的数字企业。

127、Coles Group has leveraged Microsoft Azure to enhance its digital presence and improve customer engagement, rolling out new applications to its stores six times faster without disrupting workloads.

Coles Group 利用 Microsoft Azure 来增强其数字业务并提高客户参与度,在不中断工作负载的情况下,将新应用程序部署到其商店的速度提高了六倍。

128、Commercial Bank of Dubai used Microsoft Azure to upgrade its application infrastructure, improving transaction security and speed so individual customers can now open an account and start banking in about two minutes.

迪拜商业银行使用 Microsoft Azure 升级其应用程序基础结构,从而提高交易安全性和速度,因此个人客户现在可以在大约两分钟内开立账户并开始办理银行业务。

129、Cradle Fund, dedicated to nurturing startups in Malaysia, introduced an AI-driven chatbot to boost user interaction and increase public engagement. User engagement quadrupled while resolution time was reduced from two days to a few clicks. Cradle also decreased customer service costs by 35%, increased international interactions by 40% and increased daily average visits 10-fold.

致力于在马来西亚培育初创企业的 Cradle Fund 推出了一款人工智能驱动的聊天机器人,以促进用户互动并提高公众参与度。用户参与度翻了两番,而解决时间从两天缩短到点击几下。Cradle 还将客户服务成本降低了 35%,国际互动增加了 40%,日均访问量增加了 10 倍。

130、Doctolib, a leading eHealth company in France, leverages Microsoft technology to develop an AI-powered medical assistant, integrating both Azure OpenAI Service and Mistral Large on Azure.

Doctolib 是法国领先的电子健康公司,它利用 Microsoft 技术开发 AI 驱动的医疗助手,并在 Azure 上集成 Azure OpenAI 服务和 Mistral Large。

131、Docusign used Azure AI to develop its Intelligent Agreement Management (IAM) platform, which supports millions of workflows, reducing contract processing times and enhancing customer satisfaction with advanced AI-powered analytics.

Docusign 使用 Azure AI 开发其智能协议管理 (IAM) 平台,该平台支持数百万个工作流,通过高级 AI 驱动的分析缩短合同处理时间并提高客户满意度。

132、Dubai Electricity and Water Authority has significantly improved productivity and customer satisfaction by integrating multiple Microsoft AI solutions, reducing task completion time from days to hours and achieving a 98% customer happiness rate.

迪拜电力和水务局通过集成多个 Microsoft AI 解决方案,将任务完成时间从几天缩短到几小时,并实现了 98% 的客户满意率,从而显著提高了生产力和客户满意度。

133、Elcome uses Microsoft 365 Copilot to improve the customer experience, reducing response times from 24 hours to eight hours.

Elcome 使用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 来改善客户体验,将响应时间从 24 小时缩短到 8 小时。

134、elunic developed shopfloor.GPT based on Azure OpenAI leading to increased productivity for customers saving 15 minutes per request.

Elunic 开发了 Shopfloor。基于 Azure OpenAI 的 GPT 提高了客户的工作效率,每个请求节省了 15 分钟。

135、Estée Lauder Companies is leveraging Azure OpenAI Service to create closer consumer connections and increase speed to market with local relevancy.

Estée Lauder Companies 正在利用 Azure OpenAI 服务建立更紧密的消费者联系,并通过本地相关性加快上市速度。

136、First National Bank (FNB) is using Microsoft Copilot for Sales to help bankers create professional, thoughtful emails in 13 native South African languages, to enhance customer interactions, streamline communications and reinforce its commitment to innovation and customer service.

First National Bank (FNB) 正在使用 Microsoft Copilot for Sales 帮助银行家以 13 种南非母语创建专业、周到的电子邮件,以增强客户互动、简化通信并加强其对创新和客户服务的承诺。

137、Flora Food Group migrated to Microsoft Fabric to offer more detailed and timely insights to its customers, enhancing service delivery and customer satisfaction.

Flora Food Group 迁移到 Microsoft Fabric,以便为其客户提供更详细、更及时的见解,从而提高服务交付和客户满意度。

138、Groupama deployed a virtual assistant using Azure OpenAI Service that delivers reliable, verified and verifiable information, and boasts an 80% success rate.

Groupama 使用 Azure OpenAI 服务部署了一个虚拟助手,该服务提供可靠、经过验证和可验证的信息,成功率高达 80%。

139、Holland America Line developed a virtual agent using Microsoft Copilot Studio that acts as a digital concierge on their website to support new and existing customers and travel advisors, which has achieved a strong resolution rate and is currently handling thousands of conversations per week.

Holland America Line 使用 Microsoft Copilot Studio 开发了一个虚拟代理,该代理充当其网站上的数字礼宾服务,以支持新老客户和旅行顾问,该代理实现了很高的解决率,目前每周处理数千次对话。

140、International University of Applied Sciences (IU) adopted Azure OpenAI Service to revolutionize learning with a personalized study assistant that can interact with each student just like a human would.

国际应用科学大学 (IU) 采用 Azure OpenAI 服务,通过个性化学习助手彻底改变学习方式,该学习助手可以像人类一样与每个学生互动。

141、Investec is using Microsoft 365 Copilot for Sales to enhance the bank’s client relationships, estimating saving approximately 200 hours annually ultimately boosting sales productivity and delivering personalized, seamless customer experience.

Investec 正在使用 Microsoft 365 Copilot for Sales 来增强银行的客户关系,估计每年可节省大约 200 小时,最终提高销售效率并提供个性化、无缝的客户体验。

142、Jato Dynamics used Azure OpenAI Service to automate content generation, helping dealerships save approximately 32 hours each month.

Jato Dynamics 使用 Azure OpenAI 服务自动生成内容,帮助经销商每月节省大约 32 小时。

143、Kenya Red Cross worked with Pathways Technologies to develop a mental health chatbot in Azure AI.

肯尼亚红十字会与 Pathways Technologies 合作,在 Azure AI 中开发了心理健康聊天机器人。

144、LALIGA is delivering a seamless fan experience and AI insights with Azure Arc, using AI in Azure for optimizing match scheduling and other key operations.

LALIGA 通过 Azure Arc 提供无缝的球迷体验和 AI 见解,使用 Azure 中的 AI 来优化比赛安排和其他关键作。

145、Legrand used Azure OpenAI Service to reduce the time to generate product data by 60% and improve customer support interactions with fast, accurate information.

罗格朗使用 Azure OpenAI 服务将生成产品数据的时间缩短了 60%,并通过快速、准确的信息改善了客户支持交互。

146、Linum is using Microsoft Azure to train their text-to-video models faster and more efficiently without losing performance or wasting resources.

Linum 正在使用 Microsoft Azure 更快、更高效地训练其文本到视频模型,而不会损失性能或浪费资源。

147、Lumen Technologies is redefining customer success and sales processes through the strategic use of Microsoft 365 Copilot, enhancing productivity, sales and customer service in the global communications sector.

Lumen Technologies 通过战略性地使用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 来重新定义客户成功和销售流程,从而提高全球通信行业的生产力、销售和客户服务。

148、Mars Science & Diagnostics used the Azure AI catalog to build generative AI apps to enhance accuracy and extract data insights quickly, helping pets with critical, undiagnosed conditions receive the care they require faster.

Mars Science & Diagnostics使用Azure AI目录构建生成式AI应用程序,以提高准确性并快速提取数据洞察,帮助患有危急、未诊断病症的宠物更快地获得他们需要的护理。

149、McKinsey & Company is creating an agent to reduce client onboarding process by reducing lead time by 90% and administrative work by 30%.


150、Meesho leveraged Microsoft’s Azure OpenAI Service and GitHub Copilot to enhance customer service and software development, resulting in a 25% increase in customer satisfaction scores and 40% more traffic on customer service queries.

Meesho 利用 Microsoft 的 Azure OpenAI 服务和 GitHub Copilot 来增强客户服务和软件开发,从而将客户满意度得分提高了 25%,并将客户服务查询的流量增加了 40%。

151、Milpark Education integrated Microsoft Copilot and Copilot Studio and in just four months, improved efficiency and accuracy of student support, decreasing the average resolution time by 50% and escalation time by more than 30%.

Milpark Education 集成了 Microsoft Copilot 和 Copilot Studio,在短短四个月内,提高了学生支持的效率和准确性,将平均解决时间缩短了 50%,将升级时间缩短了 30% 以上。

152、National Basketball Association is using Azure OpenAI Service to speed up the time to market, helping fans connect with the league with personalized, localized insights to enhance the fan experience.

美国国家篮球协会正在使用 Azure OpenAI 服务来加快上市时间,帮助球迷通过个性化的本地化见解与联盟建立联系,以增强球迷体验。

153、NC Fusion chose a comprehensive Microsoft solution to make marketing engagement activities easier and accurately target the best audience segments.

NC Fusion 选择了全面的 Microsoft 解决方案,使营销参与活动更轻松,并准确地定位最佳受众细分。

154、Medgate, a telehealth subsidiary of Otto Group developed a medical Copilot powered by Azure OpenAI which summarizes consultations, supports triage and provides real-time translations.

Medgate 是 Otto Group 的远程医疗子公司,开发了由 Azure OpenAI 提供支持的医疗 Copilot,它可以汇总咨询、支持分诊并提供实时翻译。

155、Orbital Witness embraced the use of large language models (LLMs) in Azure OpenAI to build its innovative AI Agent application, Orbital Copilot, which can save legal teams 70 percent of the time it takes to conduct property diligence work.

Orbital Witness 在 Azure OpenAI 中使用大型语言模型 ()LLMs 来构建其创新的 AI 代理应用程序 Orbital Copilot,该应用程序可以为法律团队节省 70% 的财产尽职调查工作时间。

156、Pacific Gas & Electric built a chatbot using Microsoft Copilot Studio that saves $1.1 million annually on helpdesk support.

太平洋燃气和电力公司使用Microsoft Copilot Studio构建了一个聊天机器人,每年在帮助台支持上节省110万美元。

157、Parloa took a “voice-first” approach and created an enterprise-grade AI Agent Management platform to automate customer interactions across phone, chat and messaging apps.

Parloa 采用“语音优先”的方法,创建了一个企业级 AI 代理管理平台,以自动化电话、聊天和消息传递应用程序之间的客户交互。

158、Pockyt is using GitHub Copilot and anticipates a 500% increase in productivity in the medium to long term as they continue adapting AI and fine-tuning their software development life cycle.

Pockyt 正在使用 GitHub Copilot,并预计随着他们继续调整 AI 和微调其软件开发生命周期,中长期生产力将提高 500%。

159、South Australia Department for Education launched an AI-powered educational chatbot to help safeguard students from harmful content while introducing responsible AI to the classrooms.


160、Sync Labs is using Microsoft Azure to create AI-driven solutions that have led to a remarkable 30x increase in revenue and a 100x expansion of their customer base.

Sync Labs 正在使用 Microsoft Azure 创建 AI 驱动的解决方案,从而将收入显著增加 30 倍,并将其客户群扩大 100 倍。

161、Syndigo is using Azure to accelerate digital commerce for its customers by more than 40% and expand its customer base.

Syndigo 正在使用 Azure 将其客户的数字商务速度提高 40% 以上,并扩大其客户群。

162、Telkomsel created a virtual assistant with Azure OpenAI Service, resulting in a leap in customer self-service interactions from 19% to 45%, and call volume dropped from 8,000 calls to 1,000 calls a day.

Telkomsel 使用 Azure OpenAI 服务创建了虚拟助手,使客户自助服务交互率从 19% 跃升至 45%,呼叫量从每天 8,000 个呼叫下降到 1,000 个呼叫。

163、Torrens University chose to use Azure OpenAI to uplift its online learning experience, saving 20,000 hours and $2.4 million in time and resources.

托伦斯大学选择使用 Azure OpenAI 来提升其在线学习体验,节省了 20,000 小时和 240 万美元的时间和资源。

164、Trusting Social integrated Microsoft Azure services to launch AI-driven agents that are changing how banks function and transforming their customer’s banking experience.

Trusting Social 集成了 Microsoft Azure 服务,以启动 AI 驱动的代理,这些代理正在改变银行的运作方式并改变客户的银行体验。

165、University of California, Berkeley used Azure OpenAI Service to deploy a custom AI chatbot that supports student learning and helps students with complex coursework.

加州大学伯克利分校使用 Azure OpenAI 服务部署了一个自定义 AI 聊天机器人,该机器人支持学生学习并帮助学生完成复杂的课程作业。

166、University of Sydney created a self-serve AI platform powered by Azure OpenAI Service, to enable faculty to build custom chatbots for enhancing student onboarding, feedback, career simulation and more.

悉尼大学创建了一个由 Azure OpenAI 服务提供支持的自助式 AI 平台,使教师能够构建自定义聊天机器人,以增强学生入职、反馈、职业模拟等。

167、Van Lanschot Kempen is using Microsoft 365 Copilot to reduce the time needed for daily tasks, freeing up time to invest in that crucial personal connection.

Van Lanschot Kempen 正在使用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 来减少日常任务所需的时间,从而腾出时间投资于关键的个人联系。

168、Virgin Money built an award-winning virtual assistant using Copilot Studio to help build customers’ confidence in their digital products and services.

Virgin Money 使用 Copilot Studio 构建了一个屡获殊荣的虚拟助手,以帮助客户建立对其数字产品和服务的信心。

169、VOCALLS automates over 50 million interactions per year, resulting in a 78% reduction in average handling time aside from a 120% increase in answered calls.

VOCALLS 每年自动化超过 5000 万次交互,除了应答电话增加 78% 外,平均处理时间减少了 120%。

170、Vodafone Group is leveraging Microsoft’s AI solutions, including Azure AI Foundry, OpenAI Service, Copilot and AI Search, to achieve a 70% resolution rate for customer inquiries through digital channels and reduce call times by at least one minute.

沃达丰集团正在利用 Microsoft 的 AI 解决方案,包括 Azure AI Foundry、OpenAI Service、Copilot 和 AI Search,通过数字渠道实现 70% 的客户查询解决率,并将通话时间缩短至少一分钟。

171、Walmart is using Azure OpenAI Service to deliver a helpful and intuitive browsing experience for customers designed to serve up a curated list of the personalized items a shopper is looking for.

沃尔玛正在使用 Azure OpenAI 服务为客户提供有用且直观的浏览体验,旨在提供购物者正在寻找的个性化商品的精选列表。

172、Weights & Biases created a platform which runs on Microsoft Azure that allows developers to keep records, log successes and failures and automate manual tasks.

Weights & Biases创建了一个在Microsoft Azure上运行的平台,允许开发人员保留记录、记录成功和失败以及自动化手动任务。

173、World2Meet is providing better customer service and operations with a new virtual assistant powered by Microsoft Azure.

World2Meet 通过由 Microsoft Azure 提供支持的新虚拟助手提供更好的客户服务和运营。

174、Xavier College is modernizing its student information systems on Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Azure to unlock powerful insights, fostering innovation and data-driven decision making.

Xavier College 正在 Microsoft Dynamics 365 和 Microsoft Azure 上对其学生信息系统进行现代化改造,以解锁强大的见解,促进创新和数据驱动的决策。

175、Zavarovalnica Triglav implemented Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Azure OpenAI Service to streamline its operations with automated responses and smart rerouting of customer enquiries.

Zavarovalnica Triglav 实施了 Microsoft Dynamics 365 和 Azure OpenAI 服务,通过自动响应和客户查询的智能重新路由来简化其运营。

176、Zurich Insurance Group used Azure OpenAI Service to develop advanced AI applications that led to more accurate and efficient risk assessment evaluations, accelerating the underwriting process, reducing turnaround times and increasing customer satisfaction.

苏黎世保险集团使用 Azure OpenAI 服务开发高级 AI 应用程序,从而实现更准确、更高效的风险评估评估,加快承保流程,缩短周转时间并提高客户满意度。

三、重塑业务流程(Reshaping business process)

AI 是提高各种业务职能效率的有效方式。在营销中,它可以创建个性化内容以真正吸引不同的受众。对于供应链管理,它可以预测市场趋势,以便公司可以优化其库存水平。人力资源部门可以加快招聘流程,而金融服务部门可以将其用于欺诈检测和风险评估。借助AI,公司不仅可以改进其当前的流程,还可以发现令人兴奋的新增长机会

177、Bank of Queensland is modernizing its operations with Azure, Microsoft 365 and Microsoft 365 Copilot, using AI to optimize business processes such as creating marketing content, building reports and plans and drafting HR content.

昆士兰银行正在通过 Azure、Microsoft 365 和 Microsoft 365 Copilot 实现运营现代化,使用 AI 优化业务流程,例如创建营销内容、构建报告和计划以及起草人力资源内容。

178、Document360 created an AI-powered knowledge base and service platform for companies to create, manage and publish online documentation, including product manuals, SOPs and wikis.

Document360 为公司创建了一个 AI 驱动的知识库和服务平台,用于创建、管理和发布在线文档,包括产品手册、SOP 和 Wiki。

179、Eduvos is simplifying the student enrollment experience with Microsoft Azure and Dynamics 365, reducing the time from 90 days to nearly instantaneous and associated costs by 90%.

Eduvos 正在使用 Microsoft Azure 和 Dynamics 365 简化学生注册体验,将时间从 90 天缩短到几乎即时,并将相关成本缩短 90%。

180、Emirates Global Aluminum (EGA) uses Azure Local to support its digital manufacturing platform, including support for safety-critical applications that use AI. Through its hybrid Azure environment, EGA has achieved 10 to 13 times faster AI response time and 86% cost savings for AI image and video use cases.

Emirates Global Aluminum (EGA) 使用 Azure Local 来支持其数字制造平台,包括支持使用 AI 的安全关键型应用程序。通过其混合 Azure 环境,EGA 将 AI 响应时间提高了 10 到 13 倍,并为 AI 图像和视频用例节省了 86% 的成本。

181、Hellenic Cadastre built a system that reads and categorizes property contracts, applies legal rules and provides assessments for approval using Azure OpenAI Service. Today, property transaction assessments take less than 10 minutes instead of hours, reducing costs from 15 euros to 0.11 euros per assessment. The system also enhanced property owners’ legal security and boosted the Greek economy by enabling transactions to be completed sooner.

Hellenic Cadastre 构建了一个系统,用于读取和分类财产合同、应用法律规则,并使用 Azure OpenAI 服务提供评估以供审批。如今,房产交易评估只需不到 10 分钟,而不是几小时,每次评估的成本从 15 欧元降低到 0.11 欧元。该系统还增强了财产所有者的法律安全,并通过使交易能够更快地完成来促进希腊经济。

182、Startup legal-i is using AI to analyze unstructured data and help expensive insurance specialists make better decisions faster — speeding up healthcare and insurance processes and improving the accuracy of outcomes.

初创公司 legal-i 正在使用 AI 分析非结构化数据,并帮助昂贵的保险专家更快地做出更好的决策,从而加快医疗保健和保险流程并提高结果的准确性。

183、Publishing company SHUEISHA Inc. is using Microsoft Security Copilot to enable faster incident response, boosting the confidence and effectiveness of cybersecurity personnel.

出版公司 SHUEISHA Inc. 正在使用 Microsoft Security Copilot 来加快事件响应速度,从而提高网络安全人员的信心和有效性。

184、thyssencrupp is using the Siemens Industrial Copilot, built on Azure OpenAI Service, to address a skilled labor gap while revolutionizing how it programs and operates machinery.

thyssencrupp 正在使用基于 Azure OpenAI 服务构建的 Siemens Industrial Copilot 来解决熟练劳动力缺口,同时彻底改变其编程和作机器的方式。

185、U.S. AutoForce implemented Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management to centralize warehouse data, connect processes and improve operational efficiency while using Microsoft Copilot for Finance to automate monthly reconciliations.

U.S. AutoForce 实施了 Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management 来集中仓库数据、连接流程并提高运营效率,同时使用 Microsoft Copilot for Finance 自动进行月度对账。

186、ABB Group integrated Azure OpenAI Service into their Genix Copilot platform enabling customers to achieve up to 30% savings in operations and maintenance, 20% improvement in energy and emission optimization and an 80% reduction in service calls.

ABB Group 将 Azure OpenAI 服务集成到其 Genix Copilot 平台中,使客户能够节省高达 30% 的运营和维护成本,将能源和排放优化提高 20%,并将服务呼叫减少 80%。

187、Accelleron used Microsoft Power Platform to support numerous business applications and simplify processes for service agents and employees, resulting in the onboard of new agents in 30 minutes, compared to two days for other solutions.

Accelleron 使用 Microsoft Power Platform 来支持众多业务应用程序,并简化了服务代理和员工的流程,从而在 30 分钟内即可完成新代理的加入,而其他解决方案则需要两天时间。

188、Accenture developed an AI-powered financial advisor that leverages RISE with SAP on Microsoft Azure to enhance their infrastructure and integrate financial data.

埃森哲开发了一款 AI 驱动的财务顾问,它利用 Microsoft Azure 上的 RISE with SAP 来增强其基础结构并集成财务数据。

189、Atomicwork leverages Azure OpenAI to bring together three power capabilities: a conversational assistant, a modern service management system and a workflow automation platform.

Atomicwork 利用 Azure OpenAI 将三种强大的功能结合在一起:对话助手、现代服务管理系统和工作流自动化平台。

190、Blink Ops fully embraced generative AI to build the world’s first Security Automation Copilot with more than 8,000 automated workflows to help any Security/IT task through prompts.

Blink Ops 完全采用生成式 AI 构建了世界上第一个具有 8,000 多个自动化工作流程的安全自动化 Copilot,可通过提示帮助任何安全/IT 任务。

191、Chalhoub Group is using Microsoft Fabric to modernize its data analytics and streamline its data sources into one platform, increasing agility, enhancing analytics and accelerating processes.

Chalhoub Group 正在使用 Microsoft Fabric 实现其数据分析的现代化,并将其数据源简化为一个平台,从而提高敏捷性、增强分析并加快流程。

192、Cineplex is developing innovative automation solutions for finance, guest services and other departments, saving the company over 30,000 hours a year in manual processing time.

Cineplex 正在为财务、宾客服务和其他部门开发创新的自动化解决方案,每年为公司节省超过 30,000 小时的手动处理时间。

193、ClearBank moved its services to Microsoft Azure to gain scalability and efficiency, pushing out 183% more monthly system releases, gaining both scalability and efficiency.

ClearBank 将其服务迁移到 Microsoft Azure 以获得可扩展性和效率,每月系统发布量增加了 183%,同时获得了可扩展性和效率。

194、Danske Statsbaner increases productivity up to 30% with help from Microsoft AI solutions.

Danske Statsbaner 在 Microsoft AI 解决方案的帮助下将生产力提高了 30%。

195、Dentsu implemented Microsoft Azure AI Foundry and Azure OpenAI Service to build a predictive analytics copilot that supports media insights, cutting analysis time by 80% and overall time to insight by 90%, reducing analysis costs.

Dentsu 实施了 Microsoft Azure AI Foundry 和 Azure OpenAI Service 来构建支持媒体洞察的预测分析副驾驶,将分析时间缩短了 80%,将获得洞察的总时间缩短了 90%,从而降低了分析成本。

196、Dow implemented Microsoft 365 Copilot to empower teams with AI-driven insights and streamline essential workflows by automating tasks across departments, saving millions of dollars on shipping operations in the first year.

陶氏实施了 Microsoft 365 Copilot,为团队提供 AI 驱动的见解,并通过跨部门自动执行任务来简化基本工作流程,从而在第一年节省了数百万美元的运输作费用。

197、Eastman implemented Microsoft Copilot for Security realizing the benefits of accelerated upskilling, step-by-step guidance for response and faster threat remediation.

Eastman 实施了 Microsoft Copilot for Security,实现了加速技能提升、分步响应指导和更快威胁修复的好处。

198、Fast Shop migrated to Microsoft Azure creating a self-service culture of access to data, eliminating delays, reducing costs and increasing leadership satisfaction with data while providing more agility in reporting.

Fast Shop 迁移到 Microsoft Azure,创造了一种自助式数据访问文化,消除了延迟,降低了成本,提高了领导层对数据的满意度,同时提供了更高的报告敏捷性。

199、Florida Crystals adopted a value-added solution across Microsoft products including Microsoft 365 Copilot to reduce telecom expenses and automate industrial process controls.

Florida Crystals 在 Microsoft 产品(包括 Microsoft 365 Copilot)中采用了增值解决方案,以减少电信费用并实现工业流程控制的自动化。

200、GHD is reinventing the RFP process in construction and engineering with Microsoft 365 Copilot.

GHD 正在使用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 重塑建筑和工程领域的 RFP 流程。

201、GovDash is a SaaS platform that leverages artificial intelligence to streamline the entire business development life cycle for government contracting companies using Azure OpenAI.

GovDash 是一个 SaaS 平台,它利用人工智能来简化使用 Azure OpenAI 的政府承包公司的整个业务开发生命周期。

202、Grupo Bimbo is deploying Microsoft’s industrial AI technologies to modernize its manufacturing processes, optimizing production and reducing downtime, driving significant cost savings, and empowering global innovation.

Grupo Bimbo 正在部署 Microsoft 的工业 AI 技术,以实现其制造流程的现代化,优化生产并减少停机时间,从而显著节省成本,并推动全球创新。

203、Insight Canada implemented Microsoft 365 Copilot to streamline business operations, with 93% of users realizing productivity gains in functions including sales, finance and human resources.

Insight Canada 实施了 Microsoft 365 Copilot 来简化业务运营,93% 的用户在销售、财务和人力资源等职能部门实现了生产力的提高。

204、Intesa Sanpaolo Group enhanced its cybersecurity with AI-enabled Microsoft Sentinel and Microsoft Copilot for Security, resulting in faster threat detection, increased productivity and reduced storage costs.

Intesa Sanpaolo Group 通过支持 AI 的 Microsoft Sentinel 和 Microsoft Copilot for Security 增强了其网络安全,从而加快了威胁检测速度、提高了工作效率并降低了存储成本。

205、Kaya deployed a custom implementation of Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Power BI to modernize its supply chain, leading to enhanced visibility, improved planning and streamlined inter-department operations.

Kaya 部署了 Microsoft Dynamics 365 和 Power BI 的自定义实施,以实现其供应链的现代化,从而提高可见性、改进规划和简化部门间运营。

206、Lenovo leveraged Dynamics 365 Customer Service to rapidly manage customer inquiries by streamlining repetitive tasks, boosted agent productivity by 15%, reduced handling time by 20% and reached record-high customer satisfaction.

联想利用 Dynamics 365 Customer Service 通过简化重复性任务来快速管理客户查询,将座席工作效率提高了 15%,将处理时间缩短了 20%,并达到了创纪录的客户满意度。

207、Lionbridge Technologies, LLC is using Microsoft Azure and Azure OpenAI Service to accelerate its delivery times and improve quality, reducing project turnaround times by up to 30%.

Lionbridge Technologies, LLC 正在使用 Microsoft Azure 和 Azure OpenAI 服务来加快交付时间并提高质量,从而将项目周转时间缩短多达 30%。

208、LTIMindtree integrated Microsoft Copilot for Security, offering automated incident response, integrated threat intelligence and advanced threat analysis.

LTIMindtree 集成了 Microsoft Copilot for Security,提供自动化事件响应、集成威胁情报和高级威胁分析。

209、Mania de Churrasco used Microsoft Azure, Power Platform and Microsoft 365 to achieve high efficiency, security and scalability in its operations, in addition to improving its data intelligence, which indirectly participated in a 20% increase in sales year on year.

Mania de Churrasco 使用 Microsoft Azure、Power Platform 和 Microsoft 365 在其运营中实现了高效率、安全性和可扩展性,此外还提高了其数据智能,间接参与了 20% 的销售额同比增长。

210、National Bank of Greece built an Azure-powered Document AI solution to transform its document processing, improving the bank’s accuracy to 90%.

希腊国家银行构建了 Azure 支持的文档 AI 解决方案来转变其文档处理,将银行的准确率提高到 90%。

211、Nest Bank has revolutionized its operations by integrating Microsoft 365 Copilot and Azure OpenAI Service, resulting in doubled sales and increased daily transactions from 60,000 to 80,000, showcasing the transformative impact of generative AI in the financial sector.

Nest Bank 通过集成 Microsoft 365 Copilot 和 Azure OpenAI 服务彻底改变了其运营,使销售额翻了一番,并将每日交易量从 60,000 笔增加到 80,000 笔,展示了生成式 AI 对金融领域的变革性影响。

212、Network Rail modernized their data analytics solution with Microsoft Azure, helping engineers understand data 50% faster than before and improve efficiency, passenger experiences and safety — all while saving costs.

Network Rail 使用 Microsoft Azure 对其数据分析解决方案进行了现代化改造,帮助工程师以比以前快 50% 的速度理解数据,并提高效率、乘客体验和安全性,同时节省成本。

213、Nsure developed an AI-powered agent that uses Copilot Studio and Power Automate to reduce manual processing time by 60% while also reducing associated costs by 50%.

Nsure 开发了一个 AI 驱动的代理,它使用 Copilot Studio 和 Power Automate 将手动处理时间缩短了 60%,同时还将相关成本降低了 50%。

214、Oncoclínicas implemented Microsoft Azure to transform its entire data ecosystem with a web portal and mobile application that performs all image processing and storage.

Oncoclínicas 实施了 Microsoft Azure,通过执行所有图像处理和存储的 Web 门户和移动应用程序来转变其整个数据生态系统。

215、Operation Smile used Azure OpenAI Service, Fabric and Power Apps to eliminate manual data entry, resulting in reduced translation errors by about 90% and the time required for completing reports from four to five hours to just 15 to 20 minutes.

Operation Smile 使用 Azure OpenAI Service、Fabric 和 Power Apps 来消除手动数据输入,从而将翻译错误减少了约 90%,并将完成报告所需的时间从 4 到 5 小时缩短到仅 15 到 20 分钟。

216、Pacifico Seguros has adopted Microsoft Copilot for Security to optimize its security operations and anticipate and neutralize threats more efficiently and effectively.

Pacifico Seguros 已采用 Microsoft Copilot for Security 来优化其安全运营,并更高效地预测和消除威胁。

217、Parexel adopted Azure Databricks and Microsoft Power BI, achieving an 85% reduction in data engineering tooling costs, a 30% increase in staff efficiency and a 70% reduction in time to market for data product delivery.

Parexel 采用了 Azure Databricks 和 Microsoft Power BI,将数据工程工具成本降低了 85%,员工效率提高了 30%,数据产品交付的上市时间缩短了 70%。

218、Paysafe used Microsoft 365 Copilot to streamline meetings, information management and document creation, addressing language barriers, eliminating time-consuming tasks and boosting creativity along the way.

Paysafe 使用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 来简化会议、信息管理和文档创建,解决语言障碍,消除耗时的任务,并在此过程中提高创造力。

219、Planted is integrating Azure OpenAI to manage everyday tasks more efficiently and facilitate the search for information for innovative process development.

Planted 正在集成 Azure OpenAI,以更高效地管理日常任务,并促进搜索创新流程开发的信息。

220、Presidio realized dramatic productivity gains saving 1,200 hours per month on average for the employees using Microsoft 365 Copilot and created 70 new business opportunities.

Presidio 使用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 为员工平均每月节省 1,200 小时,并创造了 70 个新的商机,从而显著提高了生产力。

221、Qatar Charity used Copilot Studio to increase its call center efficiency, reducing average handle time by 30%, increased customer satisfaction by 25%, and achieved a 40% reduction in IT maintenance costs.

Qatar Charity 使用 Copilot Studio 提高了其呼叫中心的效率,将平均处理时间缩短了 30%,将客户满意度提高了 25%,并将 IT 维护成本降低了 40%。

222、Saphyre uses Microsoft Azure and AI to provide an intelligent cloud-based solution that automates and streamlines financial trading workflows around client and counterparty life cycle management, reducing manual efforts by 75%.

Saphyre 使用 Microsoft Azure 和 AI 提供基于云的智能解决方案,该解决方案可以自动化和简化围绕客户和交易对手生命周期管理的金融交易工作流程,从而将手动工作减少 75%。

223、StarKist Foods used Azure to effectively unite production and demand processes with finance, reducing the planning cycle from 16 hours to less than one.

StarKist Foods 使用 Azure 有效地将生产和需求流程与财务流程相结合,将规划周期从 16 小时缩短到不到 1 小时。

224、Swiss International Air Lines migrated and modernized with Microsoft Azure, achieving up to 30% cost savings, a remarkable boost in platform stability along with enhanced security visibility.

瑞士国际航空公司使用 Microsoft Azure 进行迁移和现代化改造,实现了高达 30% 的成本节省、平台稳定性的显著提高以及安全可见性的增强。

225、ZEISS Group uses Microsoft Fabric to create a secure and trusted data supply chain that can be shared effortlessly across a range of business units.

ZEISS Group 使用 Microsoft Fabric 创建安全可信的数据供应链,该供应链可以在一系列业务部门之间轻松共享。

226、ZF Group builds manufacturing efficiency with over 25,000 apps and 37,000 unique active users on Power Platform.

ZF Group 在 Power Platform 上拥有超过 25,000 个应用和 37,000 个独特的活跃用户,从而提高制造效率。

四、打破创新曲线(Bending the curve on innovation)


227、Agricultural Development Trust (ADT) of Baramati is analyzing water, weather, nutrient, pH data and more with AI to increase crop yields in India.

巴拉马蒂的农业发展信托基金 (ADT) 正在使用 AI 分析水、天气、养分、pH 值数据等,以提高印度的农作物产量。

228、DrumBeat.AI is using Microsoft AI services to predict, identify and treat ear diseases in communities that are both rural and remote, helping to prevent hearing loss among Indigenous communities in Australia.

DrumBeat.AI 正在使用 Microsoft AI 服务来预测、识别和治疗农村和偏远社区的耳部疾病,帮助防止澳大利亚原住民社区的听力损失。

229、Dynamic Health Systems created its VitruCare365® platform on the Microsoft Cloud for healthcare technologies to enable motivational care planning. Built on Microsoft Azure, FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) and Dynamics 365, it provides personalized apps powered by Azure OpenAI Service to each patient and is deployed as an extension to the Microsoft 365 tools clinicians use every day.

Dynamic Health Systems 在 Microsoft Cloud 上为医疗保健技术创建了 VitruCare365® 平台,以实现动机性护理计划。它基于 Microsoft Azure、FHIR(快速医疗保健互作性资源)和 Dynamics 365 构建,为每位患者提供由 Azure OpenAI 服务提供支持的个性化应用程序,并作为临床医生每天使用的 Microsoft 365 工具的扩展进行部署。

230、Cities can use Esri’s ArcGIS geospatial platform to create environmental digital twins that simulate heavy rainfall and apply hot spot analysis to highlight flooding. Adding Azure AI to the geospatial digital twin will reveal insights in impossible amounts of data.

城市可以使用 Esri 的 ArcGIS 地理空间平台创建环境数字孪生体,以模拟强降雨并应用热点分析来突出显示洪水。将 Azure AI 添加到地理空间数字孪生体中,将揭示不可能的数据量的见解。

231、Digital employment agency Gojob developed Aglae, a virtual assistant based on Azure OpenAI Service, to pre-qualify candidates within 15 minutes, enabling recruiters to achieve record employment placement rates.

数字就业机构 Gojob 开发了基于 Azure OpenAI 服务的虚拟助手 Aglae,可在 15 分钟内对候选人进行资格预审,使招聘人员能够实现创纪录的就业安置率。

232、Institut Curie and Microsoft partner Witivio developed Copilot for Researcher, an agent that can help researchers with some of the administrative tasks in their jobs so they have more time to spend on actual new ideas in the fight against cancer.

居里研究所和 Microsoft 合作伙伴 Witivio 开发了 Copilot for Researcher,这是一个可以帮助研究人员完成工作中的一些管理任务的代理,以便他们有更多时间花在对抗癌症的实际新想法上。

233、NASA created Earth Copilot to transform how people interact with Earth’s data.

NASA 创建了 Earth Copilot,以改变人们与地球数据的交互方式。

234、Parity is helping women athletes use data and AI to help improve their well-being, performance and careers.

Parity 正在帮助女运动员使用数据和人工智能来帮助改善她们的福祉、表现和职业生涯。

235、Petbarn created “PetAI” using Azure OpenAI Service, Azure AI Search and Azure App Service to provide Australian pet owners highly personalized advice and product recommendations.

Petbarn 使用 Azure OpenAI 服务、Azure AI 搜索和 Azure 应用服务创建了“PetAI”,为澳大利亚宠物主人提供高度个性化的建议和产品推荐。

236、Project Guacamaya is using daily satellite images and various AI models tailored to the Amazon ecosystem to help prevent its deforestation, allowing for quicker action to be taken in at-risk areas.

Project Guacamaya 正在使用每日卫星图像和为亚马逊生态系统量身定制的各种 AI 模型来帮助防止森林砍伐,从而在风险地区更快地采取行动。

237、Properstar developed a solution to simplify the analysis of unstructured real estate data and create a dynamic, AI-powered filtering system that provides more nuanced search results.

Properstar 开发了一种解决方案来简化非结构化房地产数据的分析,并创建一个动态的、人工智能驱动的过滤系统,以提供更细致的搜索结果。

238、RadarFit is using generative AI and a unique gamification strategy to encourage healthy habits in Brazil, with a comprehensive health and wellness program aimed at helping companies reduce chronic disease rates.

RadarFit 正在使用生成式 AI 和独特的游戏化策略来鼓励巴西的健康习惯,并制定了一项全面的健康和保健计划,旨在帮助公司降低慢性病发病率。

239、SEDUC is using Microsoft 365 Copilot for administrative tasks — such as generating legal documents and handling administrative inquiries — and has expanded to include AI usage with students and teachers, including personalized learning to cater to individual student needs and help them recover from learning losses during the pandemic.

SEDUC 正在使用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 执行管理任务(例如生成法律文件和处理行政查询),并已扩展到包括学生和教师的 AI 使用,包括个性化学习,以满足个别学生的需求并帮助他们从大流行期间的学习损失中恢复过来。

240、Indonesia’s Universitas Terbuka used Microsoft Azure OpenAI services and Azure AI Foundry to build an AI tutor that delivers accurate, curriculum-aligned responses and streamlines student assessment. The tutor currently supports 500 classes and some 100,000 students.

印度尼西亚的 Universitas Terbuka 使用 Microsoft Azure OpenAI 服务和 Azure AI Foundry 构建了一个 AI 导师,该导师可提供准确、符合课程的回答并简化学生评估。该导师目前支持 500 个班级和大约 100,000 名学生。

241、World Traveler is using AI including Microsoft Reading Progress and Microsoft Immersive Reader to help teachers reach its globally and educationally diverse students with personalized learning experiences.

World Traveler 正在使用 AI(包括 Microsoft Reading Progress 和 Microsoft Immersive Reader)来帮助教师通过个性化的学习体验来接触全球和教育多元化的学生。

242、South Korean startup Wrtn Technologies brings ATI close to people, with a “superapp” that compiles an array of AI use cases and services, but localized for Korean users to integrate AI into their everyday lives.

韩国初创公司 Wrtn Technologies 通过一个“超级应用程序”让 ATI 更贴近人们,它编译了一系列 AI 用例和服务,但针对韩国用户进行了本地化,以便将 AI 集成到他们的日常生活中。

243、Air India has incorporated Microsoft 365 Copilot into multiple departments, unlocking a new realm of operational insights that not only provides critical data on flight punctuality and operational hurdles, but also empowers proactive, collaborative decision making.

印度航空公司已将 Microsoft 365 Copilot 整合到多个部门,解锁了运营见解的新领域,不仅提供有关飞行准点率和运营障碍的关键数据,还支持主动协作决策。

244、Agnostic Intelligence deployed Azure OpenAI Service to eliminate time-consuming tasks, saving users up to 80% of their time, and enabling IT managers to focus on innovation and quality assurance.

Agnostic Intelligence 部署了 Azure OpenAI 服务来消除耗时的任务,为用户节省高达 80% 的时间,并使 IT 经理能够专注于创新和质量保证。

245、Albert Heijn is using Azure OpenAI for everything from customer personalization to demand forecast and food waste projects, making it easier for its customers to change their lifestyle.

Albert Heijn 将 Azure OpenAI 用于从客户个性化到需求预测和食物浪费项目的所有方面,使其客户能够更轻松地改变他们的生活方式。

246、Amgen is using Microsoft 365 Copilot to boost productivity and has the potential to speed up drug development and support advancements in their business processes.

Amgen 正在使用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 来提高生产力,并有可能加快药物开发并支持其业务流程的进步。

247、APEC leverages Microsoft Azure and deep neural network algorithms to develop an app that enables healthcare providers to capture retinal images, increasing the accuracy to identify Retinopathy of Prematurity (RoP) to 90%.

APEC 利用 Microsoft Azure 和深度神经网络算法开发了一款应用程序,使医疗保健提供者能够捕获视网膜图像,从而将识别早产儿视网膜病变 (RoP) 的准确率提高到 90%。

248、ASOS is using Azure AI Foundry to help customers discover new looks with genuine shopping insights, personalized conversations, naturalism and even humor to enliven the shopping journey.

ASOS 正在使用 Azure AI Foundry 帮助客户通过真实的购物见解、个性化对话、自然主义甚至幽默来发现新外观,从而活跃购物之旅。

249、Auburn University is incorporating Microsoft Copilot to promote AI literacy, accessibility and collaboration, with the aim to expand educational and economic opportunities for its entire academic community with AI-centric tools.

奥本大学正在整合 Microsoft Copilot 来提高 AI 素养、可访问性和协作,旨在通过以 AI 为中心的工具为其整个学术社区扩大教育和经济机会。

250、B3 launched an AI assistant using Azure OpenAI Service that aids 10,000 users a day to answer Brazilians’ questions about how to start investing.

B3 使用 Azure OpenAI 服务推出了一个 AI 助手,每天帮助 10,000 名用户回答巴西人关于如何开始投资的问题。

251、Basecamp Research aims to build the world’s largest database of national biodiversity and apply AI and machine learning to advance bioscience.

Basecamp Research 旨在构建世界上最大的国家生物多样性数据库,并应用 AI 和机器学习来推进生物科学。

252、Bayer is using Microsoft Copilot to contribute to feeding a growing global population and helping people lead healthier, disease-free lives.

拜耳正在使用 Microsoft Copilot 为养活不断增长的全球人口做出贡献,并帮助人们过上更健康、无病的生活。

253、BMW AG implemented Azure AI to develop a mobile data recorder copilot for faster data management helping engineers reduce the lead time for insights from days to hours or sometimes minutes.

BMW AG 实施了 Azure AI 来开发移动数据记录器副驾驶,以实现更快的数据管理,帮助工程师将见解的交付时间从几天缩短到几小时,有时甚至几分钟。

254、Brembo leveraged Azure OpenAI to develop ALCHEMIX, a solution to generate innovative compounds for its brake pads, drastically reducing the development time of new compounds from days to mere minutes.

Brembo 利用 Azure OpenAI 开发了 ALCHEMIX,这是一种为其刹车片生成创新化合物的解决方案,将新化合物的开发时间从几天大幅缩短到几分钟。

255、Canary Speech can now train new vocal models in as little as two months and handle millions of transactions per month with Microsoft Azure.

Canary Speech 现在可以在短短两个月内训练新的发声模型,并使用 Microsoft Azure 每月处理数百万个事务。

256、CapitaLand simplified internal processes increasing efficiency to more than 10,000 man-days saved per year and deployed Azure OpenAI Service to build the first AI hospitality chatbot for its lodging business.

凯德集团简化了内部流程,将效率提高到每年节省 10,000 多个工日,并部署了 Azure OpenAI 服务来为其住宿业务构建第一个 AI 酒店聊天机器人。

257、Cassidy is using Azure OpenAI Service to enhance efficiency across various industries, supporting over 10,000 companies.

Cassidy 正在使用 Azure OpenAI 服务来提高各个行业的效率,为 10,000 多家公司提供支持。

258、Coca-Cola is implementing Azure OpenAI Service to develop innovative generative AI use cases across various business functions, including testing how Microsoft 365 Copilot could help improve workplace productivity.

可口可乐正在实施 Azure OpenAI 服务,以跨各种业务功能开发创新的生成式 AI 用例,包括测试 Microsoft 365 Copilot 如何帮助提高工作场所的工作效率。

259、Denso is developing “human-like” robots using Azure OpenAI Service as the brain to help robots and humans work together through dialogue.

Denso 正在使用 Azure OpenAI 服务作为大脑开发“类人”机器人,以帮助机器人和人类通过对话协同工作。

260、eFishery is using Azure OpenAI for farmers to get the data and insights on fish and shrimp farming, including more precise feeding and water quality monitoring.

eFishery 正在使用 Azure OpenAI for farmer 获取有关鱼虾养殖的数据和见解,包括更精确的喂养和水质监控。

261、EY developed an application that automatically matches and clears incoming payments in SAP, resulting in an increase from 30% to 80% in automatically cleared payments and 95% matched payments, with estimated annual time savings of 230,000 hours globally.

EY 开发了一款应用程序,可在 SAP 中自动匹配和清算收款,从而将自动清算付款和 95% 的匹配付款从 30% 提高到 80%,估计全球每年可节省 230,000 小时的时间。

262、EY worked with Microsoft to make Azure AI Foundry more inclusive for all, serving the 20% of the global workforce identifying as neurodivergent.

EY 与 Microsoft 合作,使 Azure AI Foundry 对所有人更具包容性,为全球 20% 的神经多样性劳动力提供服务。

263、FIDO is using Azure OpenAI Service to develop an AI tool that uses sound to pinpoint leaky pipes, saving precious drinking water.

FIDO 正在使用 Azure OpenAI 服务开发一种 AI 工具,该工具使用声音来精确定位泄漏的管道,从而节省宝贵的饮用水。

264、Georgia Tech is using Azure OpenAI Service to enhance the electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure, achieving rapid data classification and predictive modeling, highlighting the reliability of networked chargers over non-networked ones.

佐治亚理工学院正在使用 Azure OpenAI 服务来增强电动汽车 (EV) 充电基础设施,实现快速数据分类和预测建模,突出了联网充电器相对于非联网充电器的可靠性。

265、GigXR developed a solution to create the intelligence for specific AI patients using Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service and other Azure services.

GigXR 开发了一种解决方案,使用 Microsoft Azure OpenAI 服务和其他 Azure 服务为特定 AI 患者创建智能。

266、GoTo Group is significantly enhancing productivity and code quality across its engineering teams by adopting GitHub Copilot, saving over seven hours per week and achieved a 30% code acceptance rate.

GoTo Group 通过采用 GitHub Copilot,显著提高了其工程团队的工作效率和代码质量,每周节省 7 个多小时,并实现了 30% 的代码接受率。

267、GovTech used Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service to create LaunchPad, sparking more than 400 ideas and 20 prototypes, laying the foundation for the government to harness the power of generative AI.

GovTech 使用 Microsoft Azure OpenAI 服务创建了 LaunchPad,激发了 400 多个想法和 20 个原型,为政府利用生成式 AI 的力量奠定了基础。

268、H&R Block is using Azure AI Foundry and Azure OpenAI Service to build a new solution that provides real-time, reliable tax filing assistance.

H&R Block正在使用Azure AI Foundry和Azure OpenAI服务构建一个新的解决方案,提供实时、可靠的税务申报帮助。

269、Haut.AI provides skin care companies and retailers with customizable, AI-based skin diagnostic tools developed with the help of Microsoft AI.

Haut.AI 为护肤公司和零售商提供在 Microsoft AI 的帮助下开发的可定制的、基于 AI 的皮肤诊断工具。

270、Helfie is building a solution that caters to healthcare providers who can arm their patients with an application to more quickly and accurately access the care they need.

Helfie 正在构建一种解决方案,以满足医疗保健提供商的需求,这些提供商可以使用应用程序为患者提供应用程序,以便更快、更准确地获得所需的护理。

271、Hitachi will implement Azure Open AI Service, Microsoft 365 Copilot and GitHub Copilot to create innovative solutions for the energy, mobility and other industries.

日立将实施 Azure Open AI Service、Microsoft 365 Copilot 和 GitHub Copilot,为能源、移动和其他行业创建创新解决方案。

272、Icertis is providing AI-based tools that will recognize contract language and then build algorithms to automatically choose the right approach based on the content of the contract.

Icertis 正在提供基于 AI 的工具,这些工具将识别合约语言,然后构建算法以根据合约内容自动选择正确的方法。

273、Iconem leveraged AI-generated imagery to process and analyze a vast amount of photogrammetry data used to create the 3D digital twin of St. Peter’s Basilica, allowing visitors to explore every intricate detail from anywhere in the world.

Iconem 利用 AI 生成的图像来处理和分析大量摄影测量数据,这些数据用于创建圣彼得大教堂的 3D 数字孪生,使参观者能够从世界任何地方探索每一个错综复杂的细节。

274、ITOCHU is using Azure OpenAI Service and Azure AI Foundry to evolve its data analytics dashboard into a service that provides immediate recommendations by automatically creating evidence-based product proposals.

伊藤忠商事正在使用 Azure OpenAI 服务和 Azure AI Foundry 将其数据分析仪表板发展为一项服务,通过自动创建基于证据的产品提案来提供即时建议。

275、IU International University of Applied Sciences (IU) is using the power of Azure OpenAI Service to develop Syntea, an AI avatar integrated into Microsoft Teams and Microsoft 365 Copilot, making learning more personalized, autonomous and flexible.

IU 国际应用科学大学 (IU) 正在利用 Azure OpenAI 服务的强大功能来开发 Syntea,这是一种集成到 Microsoft Teams 和 Microsoft 365 Copilot 中的 AI 虚拟形象,使学习更加个性化、自主和灵活。

276、Khan Academy has partnered with Microsoft to bring time-saving and lesson-enhancing AI tools to millions of educators.

Khan Academy 与 Microsoft 合作,为数百万教育工作者提供节省时间和课程增强的 AI 工具。

277、Lufthansa Group developed an animated 3D avatar called Digital Hangar to help guide passengers from initial travel inspiration to flight booking through an exchange with an Avatar in natural language.

汉莎航空集团开发了一款名为 Digital Hangar 的动画 3D 虚拟形象,通过与自然语言虚拟形象的交流,帮助引导乘客从最初的旅行灵感到航班预订。

278、Mia Labs implemented Azure OpenAI to produce and protect its conversational AI virtual assistant Mia that provides fast support from investors, along with the sophisticated security posture and threat protection capabilities for AI workloads.

Mia Labs 实施了 Azure OpenAI 来生成和保护其对话式 AI 虚拟助手 Mia,该助手提供来自投资者的快速支持,以及适用于 AI 工作负载的复杂安全态势和威胁防护功能。

279、Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is using Azure OpenAI Service to help accelerate digital innovation in power plants.

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries 正在使用 Azure OpenAI 服务来帮助加速发电厂的数字创新。

280、Molslinjen has created an AI analytics toolbox that has reduced fuel emissions, improved customer satisfaction and brought in millions of additional revenue.

Molslinjen 创建了一个 AI 分析工具箱,减少了燃料排放,提高了客户满意度,并带来了数百万的额外收入。

281、New Sun Road implemented AI into a local controller for energy systems to balance the supply, storage and use requirements. This optimized loads to accelerate the deployment of renewable energy for local clean power for communities.

New Sun Road 将 AI 实施到能源系统的本地控制器中,以平衡供应、存储和使用需求。这优化了负载,以加速可再生能源的部署,为社区提供当地的清洁电力。

282、Novo Nordisk recently published initial results with predictive AI models for advanced risk detection in cardiovascular diseases, including an algorithm that can predict patients’ cardiovascular risk better than the best clinical standards.

诺和诺德最近发布了用于心血管疾病高级风险检测的预测 AI 模型的初步结果,其中包括一种比最佳临床标准更能预测患者心血管风险的算法。

283、Ontada implemented Azure AI and Azure OpenAI Service to target nearly 100 critical oncology data elements across 39 cancer types and now accesses an estimated 70% of previously unanalyzed or unused information, accelerating its life science product development, speeding up time to market from months to just one week.

Ontada 实施了 Azure AI 和 Azure OpenAI 服务,以针对 39 种癌症类型的近 100 个关键肿瘤学数据元素,现在访问了大约 70% 的以前未分析或未使用的信息,从而加速了其生命科学产品开发,将上市时间从几个月缩短到仅一周。

284、Paige.AI is using AI and Microsoft Azure to accelerate cancer diagnoses with data from millions of images.

Paige.AI 正在使用 AI 和 Microsoft Azure 通过来自数百万张图像的数据来加速癌症诊断。

285、Pets at Home created an agent to help its retail fraud detection team investigate suspicious transactions.

Pets at Home 创建了一个代理来帮助其零售欺诈检测团队调查可疑交易。

286、Plan Heal is using Microsoft AI to create solutions that enable patients to monitor and report health metrics so care providers can better serve them.

Plan Heal 正在使用 Microsoft AI 创建解决方案,使患者能够监控和报告健康指标,以便护理提供者可以更好地为他们服务。

287、Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) is testing a new battery material that was found in a matter of weeks, not years, as part of a collaboration with Microsoft.

作为与 Microsoft 合作的一部分,西北太平洋国家实验室 (PNNL) 正在测试一种新型电池材料,该材料是在几周而不是几年内发现的。

288、Rijksmuseum is harnessing the power of Copilot to make art accessible at scale by joining forces with Microsoft to improve and expand the art experience for blind and low-vision community members.

国立博物馆正在利用 Copilot 的强大功能,通过与 Microsoft 合作来改善和扩展盲人和低视力社区成员的艺术体验,从而大规模地提供艺术访问。

289、Royal National Institute of Blind People is using Azure AI services to develop an AI-based solution that quickly and accurately converts letters to braille, audio, and large print formats.

皇家国家盲人研究所正在使用 Azure AI 服务开发基于 AI 的解决方案,该解决方案可快速准确地将字母转换为盲文、音频和大字体格式。

290、Schneider Electric provides productivity-enhancing and energy efficiency solutions and is using a whole suite of AI tools to hasten its own innovation and that of its customers.

施耐德电气提供提高生产力和能源效率的解决方案,并正在使用一整套 AI 工具来加速自身和客户的创新。

291、SPAR ICS created an award-winning, AI-enabled demand forecasting system achieving 90% inventory prediction accuracy.

SPAR ICS 创建了一个屡获殊荣的 AI 需求预测系统,实现了 90% 的库存预测准确率。

292、SustainCERT deployed GenAI and machine learning for automated data verification, extraction from documents and to accelerate auditing processes to enable verifying the impacts and credibility of carbon credits.

SustainCERT 部署了 GenAI 和机器学习,用于自动数据验证、从文档中提取并加速审计流程,以验证碳信用额度的影响和可信度。

293、Suzuki Motor Corporation is adopting Azure OpenAI Service for data security, driving company-wide use with five multipurpose apps.

铃木汽车公司正在采用 Azure OpenAI 服务来实现数据安全,并通过五个多用途应用推动全公司范围内的使用。

294、Tecnológico de Monterrey created a generative AI-powered ecosystem built on Azure OpenAI Service with the goal to personalize education based on the students’ needs, improve the learning process, boost teachers’ creativity and save time on tedious tasks.

Tecnológico de Monterrey 创建了一个基于 Azure OpenAI 服务构建的生成式 AI 驱动的生态系统,其目标是根据学生的需求个性化教育、改进学习过程、提高教师的创造力并节省繁琐任务的时间。

295、TomTom is using Azure OpenAI Service, Azure Cosmos DB and Azure Kubernetes Service to revolutionize the driver experience.

TomTom 正在使用 Azure OpenAI 服务、Azure Cosmos DB 和 Azure Kubernetes 服务来彻底改变驾驶员体验。

296、Toyota is deploying AI agents to harness the collective wisdom of engineers and innovate faster in a system named “O-Beya,” or “big room” in Japanese. The “O-Beya” system currently has nine AI agents — from a Vibration Agent to a Fuel Consumption Agent.

丰田正在部署 AI 代理,以利用工程师的集体智慧,并在名为“O-Beya”(日语中的“big room”)的系统中更快地进行创新。“O-Beya”系统目前有九个 AI 代理——从振动剂到油耗剂。

297、Unilever is partnering with Microsoft to identify new digital capabilities to drive product innovation forward, from unlocking the secrets of our skin’s microbiome to reducing the carbon footprint of a multibillion-dollar business.

联合利华正在与 Microsoft 合作,寻找新的数字功能来推动产品创新向前发展,从解开我们皮肤微生物组的秘密到减少数十亿美元企业的碳足迹。

298、Unity used Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service to build Muse Chat, an AI assistant that can guide creators through common questions and help troubleshoot issues to make game development easier.

Unity 使用 Microsoft Azure OpenAI 服务构建了 Muse Chat,这是一个 AI 助手,可以指导创作者解决常见问题并帮助解决问题,从而简化游戏开发。

299、University of South Florida is using Microsoft 365 Copilot to alleviate the burden of repetitive, time-consuming tasks so faculty and staff can spend this time creatively solving problems, conducting critical research, establishing stronger relationships with peers and students and using their expertise to forge new, innovative paths.

南佛罗里达大学正在使用 Microsoft 365 Copilot 来减轻重复、耗时任务的负担,以便教职员工可以将这些时间花在创造性地解决问题、进行批判性研究、与同龄人和学生建立更牢固的关系上,并利用他们的专业知识开辟新的创新路径。

300、Utilidata built the first distributive AI and accelerated computing platform for the electric grid allowing flexible transformation and dynamic infrastructure to increase electrification and decarbonization.

Utilidata 为电网构建了第一个分布式 AI 和加速计算平台,允许灵活转型和动态基础设施,以提高电气化和脱碳率。

301、Visma has developed new code with GitHub Copilot, Microsoft Azure DevOps and Microsoft Visual Studio as much as 50 percent faster, contributing to increased customer retention, faster time to market and increased revenue.

Visma 与 GitHub Copilot、Microsoft Azure DevOps 和 Microsoft Visual Studio 一起开发新代码的速度提高了 50%,有助于提高客户保留率、加快上市时间并增加收入。

302、Wallenius Wilhelmsen is implementing Microsoft 365 Copilot and using Microsoft Viva to drive sustainable adoption, streamlining processes, empowering better decision making and cultivating a culture of innovation and inclusion.

Wallenius Wilhelmsen 正在实施 Microsoft 365 Copilot,并使用 Microsoft Viva 来推动可持续采用、简化流程、支持更好的决策并培养创新和包容性文化。

303、Wipro is committed to delivering value to customers faster and improving the outcomes across the business by investing $1 billion in AI and training 200,000 employees on generative AI principles with Microsoft Copilot.

Wipro 致力于通过在 AI 上投资 10 亿美元,并使用 Microsoft Copilot 对 200,000 名员工进行生成式 AI 原则培训,从而更快地为客户提供价值并改善整个业务的成果。





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