这是关于股票技术指标评价的绝佳指南,没有之一。 核心内容: 1. 使用 streamlit 可视化股票数据 2. 计算多种指标了解市场趋势 3. 利用 Llama 3 对数据做解释
import yfinance as yfimport pandas as pdimport scheduleimport timeimport ollamafrom datetime import datetime, timedelta
# Fetching historical data for Apple (AAPL) and Dow Jones (DJI) for yesterday (1-minute intervals)
stock = yf.Ticker("AAPL")dow_jones = yf.Ticker("^DJI")data = stock.history(period="1d", interval="1m")dow_data = dow_jones.history(period="1d", interval="1m")data.head()
Global variables to store rolling data for analysis
rolling_window = pd.DataFrame()
dow_rolling_window = pd.DataFrame()
# Variables to track daily context
daily_high = float('-inf')
daily_low = float('inf')
buying_momentum = 0
selling_momentum = 0
daily_high和 daily_low分别初始化为负无穷大和正无穷大,用于记录当天的最高价和最低价。通过将它们初始化为极端值,可以确保在实际数据更新时,这些变量会被正确地设置为当天的实际最高价和最低价。
get_market_open_duration:Extract current time from the last element of the window
def get_market_open_duration(window): # Extract current time from the last element of the window current_time = window.index[-1].time() # Returns a datetime.time object # Get the previous trading day's date previous_trading_day = datetime.today() - timedelta(days=1) # Combine the previous trading day with the current time current_datetime = datetime.combine(previous_trading_day, current_time) # Define the market opening time as 09:30:00 on the previous trading day market_start_time = datetime.combine(previous_trading_day, datetime.strptime("09:30:00", "%H:%M:%S").time()) # Calculate the duration the market has been open in minutes market_open_duration = (current_datetime - market_start_time).total_seconds() / 60 # in minutes return market_open_duration
get_natural_language_insights:generate natural language insights using Ollama(******重点这里,可以换成其他模型。)
def get_natural_language_insights(
rolling_avg, ema, rsi, bollinger_upper, bollinger_lower,
price_change, volume_change, dow_rolling_avg, market_open_duration, dow_price_change, dow_volume_change, daily_high, daily_low, buying_momentum, selling_momentum
prompt = f"""
You are a professional stock broker. Apple's stock has a 5-minute rolling average of {rolling_avg:.2f}.
The Exponential Moving Average (EMA) is {ema:.2f}, and the Relative Strength Index (RSI) is {rsi:.2f}.
The Bollinger Bands are set with an upper band of {bollinger_upper:.2f} and a lower band of {bollinger_lower:.2f}.
The price has changed by {price_change:.2f}, and the volume has shifted by {volume_change}.
The DOW price has changed by {dow_price_change:.2f}, and the volume has shifted by {dow_volume_change}.
Meanwhile, the Dow Jones index has a 5-minute rolling average of {dow_rolling_avg:.2f}.
The market has been open for {market_open_duration:.2f} minutes.
Today's high was {daily_high:.2f} and low was {daily_low:.2f}.
The buying momentum is {buying_momentum:.2f} and selling momentum is {selling_momentum:.2f}.
Based on this data, provide insights into the current stock trend and the general market sentiment.
The insights should not be longer than 100 words and should not have an introduction.
response = ollama.chat(
messages=[{"role": "user", "content": prompt}]
response_text = response['message']['content'].strip()
# Print the natural language insight
print("Natural Language Insight:", response_text)
calculate_insights:moving averages and trends
def calculate_insights(window, dow_window):
if len(window) >= 5:
# Calculate 5-minute rolling average of the 'Close' prices
rolling_avg = window['Close'].rolling(window=5).mean().iloc[-1]
# Calculate price change and volume change
price_change = window['Close'].iloc[-1] - window['Close'].iloc[-2] if len(window) >= 2 else 0
volume_change = window['Volume'].iloc[-1] - window['Volume'].iloc[-2] if len(window) >= 2 else 0
# Calculate DOW price change and volume change
dow_price_change = dow_window['Close'].iloc[-1] - dow_window['Close'].iloc[-2] if len(dow_window) >= 2 else 0
dow_volume_change = dow_window['Volume'].iloc[-1] - dow_window['Volume'].iloc[-2] if len(dow_window) >= 2 else 0
# Calculate Exponential Moving Average (EMA) and Bollinger Bands (with a 5-period window)
ema = window['Close'].ewm(span=5, adjust=False).mean().iloc[-1]
std = window['Close'].rolling(window=5).std().iloc[-1]
bollinger_upper = rolling_avg + (2 * std)
bollinger_lower = rolling_avg - (2 * std)
# Calculate Relative Strength Index (RSI) if there are enough periods (14 is typical)
delta = window['Close'].diff()
gain = delta.where(delta > 0, 0)
loss = -delta.where(delta < 0, 0)
avg_gain = gain.rolling(window=14, min_periods=1).mean().iloc[-1]
avg_loss = loss.rolling(window=14, min_periods=1).mean().iloc[-1]
rs = avg_gain / avg_loss if avg_loss != 0 else float('nan')
rsi = 100 - (100 / (1 + rs))
# Calculate Dow Jones index rolling average
dow_rolling_avg = dow_window['Close'].rolling(window=5).mean().iloc[-1]
market_open_duration = get_market_open_duration(window)
# Print the calculated insights
print(f"5-minute Rolling Average: {rolling_avg:.2f}")
print(f"EMA: {ema:.2f}")
print(f"RSI: {rsi:.2f}")
print(f"Bollinger Upper Band: {bollinger_upper:.2f}, Lower Band: {bollinger_lower:.2f}")
print(f"Price Change: {price_change:.2f}")
print(f"Volume Change: {volume_change}")
print(f"DOW Price Change: {dow_price_change:.2f}")
print(f"DOW Volume Change: {dow_volume_change}")
print(f"Dow Jones 5-minute Rolling Average: {dow_rolling_avg:.2f}")
print(f"Daily High: {daily_high:.2f}, Daily Low: {daily_low:.2f}")
print(f"Buying Momentum: {buying_momentum:.2f}, Selling Momentum: {selling_momentum:.2f}")
print(f"Market has been open for {market_open_duration:.2f} minutes")
if int(market_open_duration) % 5 == 0: # Trigger LLM every 5 minutes
rolling_avg, ema, rsi, bollinger_upper, bollinger_lower,
price_change, volume_change, dow_rolling_avg, market_open_duration, dow_price_change, dow_volume_change, daily_high, daily_low, buying_momentum, selling_momentum
process_stock_update:process a new stock update every minute
def process_stock_update():
global rolling_window, data, dow_rolling_window, dow_data
global daily_high, daily_low, buying_momentum, selling_momentum
if not data.empty and not dow_data.empty:
# Simulate receiving a new data point for AAPL and Dow Jones
update = data.iloc[0].to_frame().T
time_str = update.index[0].time()
print(time_str) # Output: ['09:30:00']
dow_update = dow_data.iloc[0].to_frame().T
data = data.iloc[1:] # Safely remove the first row without causing index issues
dow_data = dow_data.iloc[1:]
# Append the new data points to the rolling windows
rolling_window = pd.concat([rolling_window, update], ignore_index=False)
dow_rolling_window = pd.concat([dow_rolling_window, dow_update], ignore_index=False)
# Update daily high and low
daily_high = max(daily_high, update['Close'].values[0])
daily_low = min(daily_low, update['Close'].values[0])
# Calculate momentum based on price changes
if len(rolling_window) >= 2:
price_change = update['Close'].values[0] - rolling_window['Close'].iloc[-2]
if price_change > 0:
buying_momentum += price_change
selling_momentum += abs(price_change)
# Limit the rolling window to 5 minutes for moving average
if len(rolling_window) > 5:
rolling_window = rolling_window.iloc[1:]
if len(dow_rolling_window) > 5:
dow_rolling_window = dow_rolling_window.iloc[1:]
# Calculate insights (moving averages, Bollinger Bands, RSI, etc.)
calculate_insights(rolling_window, dow_rolling_window)
Schedule job to simulate receiving updates every minute:
# Run the scheduled jobs
print("Starting real-time simulation for AAPL stock updates...")
while True:
# Streamlit UI
st.title("AI Stock Advisor")
logtxtbox = st.empty()
logtxt = '09:30:00'
message = st.chat_message("assistant")
message.write("Starting real-time simulation for AAPL stock updates. First update will be processed in 5 minutes...")