



发布日期:2024-08-28 14:19:24 浏览次数: 2471 来源:帆行的AI工具箱


一)GPT 万能提示语句式

  1. 一步一步思考
    Prompt: "Think step by step."

  2. 我将支付 100 美金小费,以获得更好的解决方案
    Prompt: "I will tip $100 for a better solution."

  3. 多使用做"等肯定命令,避免使用不"等负面语言
    Prompt: "Use more affirmative commands like 'do' and avoid negative language like 'don't'."

  4. 当你想了解一个高深的领域,使用如下提示:‘请用 8 岁小孩都能听懂的话解释’
    Prompt: "Please explain this in a way that an 8-year-old can understand."

  5. 多使用分隔符,例如 ###、换行等
    Prompt: "Use more separators like ### or line breaks."

  6. 多次重复特定的单词或短语
    Prompt: "Repeat specific words or phrases multiple times."

  7. 假设你是一个 X 角色,如何回答以下问题
    Prompt: "Assume the role of X, how would you answer the following question?"

  8. 在遵守以下 X 条规则的前提下,回答这个问题
    Prompt: "Answer this question while adhering to the following X rules."

  9. 请参考以下例子,将其扩展到 XX 字数,并保持类似的风格
    Prompt: "Refer to the following example, expand it to XX words, and maintain a similar style."

  10. 作为一个 XX 领域的专家,请完成以下 XX 任务
    Prompt: "As an expert in XX, please complete the following XX task."

  11. 请尽可能具体地描述以下情景,以便读者仅通过文字理解
    Prompt: "Describe the following scenario as specifically as possible so that the reader can understand it through text alone."

  12. 撰写一篇文章,使其具有吸引 XX 粉丝的效果
    Prompt: "Write an article that appeals to fans of XX."

  13. 根据以下指令生成图片,使用 Markdown 和 Unsplash API,遵循这个格式:<PUTYOURQUERYHERE>。不要使用反引号或代码框
    Prompt: "Generate an image based on the following instruction using Markdown and the Unsplash API, following this format:<PUTYOURQUERYHERE>. Do not use backticks or code blocks."

  14. 设想一个 X 背景的场景,并根据这个场景回答以下问题
    Prompt: "Imagine a scenario with X background and answer the following questions based on it."

  15. 在保持简洁明了的同时,详细解释这个概念
    Prompt: "Explain this concept in detail while keeping it concise and clear."

  16. 请以一个 X 年代的风格撰写以下故事
    Prompt: "Write the following story in the style of X era."

  17. 结合您在 XX 领域的专业知识,给出一个实用的建议
    Prompt: "Give practical advice based on your expertise in XX."

  18. 将这个主题扩展为一篇有深度、逻辑严密的论述,字数限制为 X 字
    Prompt: "Expand this topic into an in-depth, logically sound discussion, limited to X words."

  19. 请根据以下提示,为 XX 问题提供一个创新性解决方案
    Prompt: "Provide an innovative solution to the XX problem based on the following prompts."

  20. 将这个概念用通俗易懂的语言解释给一个初学者听
    Prompt: "Explain this concept in simple language that a beginner can understand."

  21. 请回顾这个领域的历史,并分析它对现在和未来的影响
    Prompt: "Review the history of this field and analyze its impact on the present and future."

  22. 在保持客观公正的立场下,比较以下 2 个观点并给出结论
    Prompt: "Objectively compare the following two viewpoints and provide a conclusion."

  23. 请针对以下情况,提供一个详细的步骤列表
    Prompt: "Provide a detailed step-by-step list for the following situation."

  24. 假设您正在为 XX 受众撰写一篇文章,请根据他们的兴趣和需求回答以下问题
    Prompt: "Assume you are writing an article for XX audience; answer the following questions based on their interests and needs."

  25. 请将这个复杂的概念通过一个生动的类比或故事来解释
    Prompt: "Explain this complex concept through a vivid analogy or story."

  26. 根据以下信息,预测未来 XX 领域的发展趋势
    Prompt: "Predict the future trends in the XX field based on the following information."

  27. 假设您正在为 X 媒体撰写一篇报道,请依照其风格回答以下问题
    Prompt: "Assume you are writing a report for X media; answer the following questions in its style."

  28. 将这个问题从两个对立的观点进行阐述
    Prompt: "Explain this issue from two opposing viewpoints."

  29. 请梳理以下事件的因果关系,并进行分析
    Prompt: "Sort out the cause-and-effect relationship of the following events and analyze them."

  30. 在不超过 XX 字的情况下,提炼出这个主题的核心要点
    Prompt: "Summarize the core points of this topic in no more than XX words."

  31. 根据这些关键词,创建一个与 XX 主题相关的问答
    Prompt: "Create a Q&A related to the XX topic based on these keywords."

  32. 请从不同文化背景的视角分析这个问题
    Prompt: "Analyze this issue from the perspective of different cultural backgrounds."

  33. 设计一个关于 XX 主题的教育性游戏或活动
    Prompt: "Design an educational game or activity based on the XX topic."

  34. 帮助我创建一个关于这个话题的思维导图
    Prompt: "Help me create a mind map for this topic."

  35. 针对以下情况,给出一份风险评估报告
    Prompt: "Provide a risk assessment report for the following situation."

  36. 创建一个关于 XX 的常见问题解答清单
    Prompt: "Create an FAQ list for XX."

  37. 描述一个关于这个主题的成功案例,并分析其关键因素
    Prompt: "Describe a success story related to this topic and analyze its key factors."

  38. 请提供一个与这个主题相关的实验或研究方法
    Prompt: "Suggest an experiment or research method related to this topic."

  39. 分别从短期和长期的角度来看待这个问题
    Prompt: "Analyze this problem from both short-term and long-term perspectives."

  40. 列出五个关于这个主题的有趣事实或趣闻
    Prompt: "List five interesting facts or anecdotes about this topic."

  41. 请提供一个与这个主题相关的电影、书籍或其他媒体作品的推荐清单
    Prompt: "Provide a list of movie, book, or other media recommendations related to this topic."

  42. 请根据以下情境,为这个问题提供一个有创意的解决方案
    Prompt: "Offer a creative solution to this problem based on the following scenario."

  43. 分析这个问题的全球影响及其在不同地区的表现
    Prompt: "Analyze the global impact of this issue and its manifestations in different regions."

  44. 以一位 X 年龄段的人的视角来阐述这个问题
    Prompt: "Explain this issue from the perspective of a person in the X age group."

  45. 请用一首诗或一段歌词来表达这个主题的核心思想
    Prompt: "Express the core idea of this theme using a poem or a lyric."


  1. 用「532 规则」定制月度宣传规划
    Prompt: "For my [product/service] targeting [my target audience] on [my social media platform], create a 1-month social media content plan using the 5-3-2 Rule."

  2. 通过爆款评论,反向推导爆款选题
    Prompt: "Give me 20 ideas for blockbuster titles I could create in response to the following [interesting, authoritative, thoughtful] responses: [copy-paste popular comments]."

  3. 用「5C 框架」优化落地页
    Prompt: "Use the 5Cs framework to guide me through optimizing my landing page."

  4. 用「VISUAL 框架」设计信息图表
    Prompt: "Follow the VISUAL framework to create a guideline that will help me design an infographic for my [product/service]."

  5. 筛选最优推广平台
    Prompt: "Compare the five major drainage portals of official account, Douyin, Xiaohongshu, Zhihu, and video account, and combine [my product] to evaluate its advantages and disadvantages in promoting, attracting traffic, and 
    monetizing these five major portals."

  6. 用「ABT 框架」创作短视频脚本
    Prompt: "Write a short video script for my [product/service] on the following [topic] using the ABT framework."

  7. 用「英雄之旅框架」创建品牌故事
    Prompt: "Help me create a powerful brand story for my [product/service] using the Hero's Journey framework."

  8. 用「Hooked 模型」打造令人上瘾的营销活动
    Prompt: "Use Nir Eyal's Hooked Model to craft a detailed marketing campaign for our [product/service]."

  9. 从零到一提供 SEO 策略
    Prompt: "I'm a noob, please provide a step-by-step guide to optimize my website for [target keyword] SEO from scratch."

  10. 用「Lean Startup 策略」定制营销活动
    Prompt: "Design a Lean Startup based marketing campaign for our [product/service] targeting [ideal customer persona]. Use the concepts of rapid experimentation, iteration, assumption validation and customer feedback for shaping a strategy."

  11. 创作 10w+ 爆款标题
    Prompt: "Create [#] headlines about {Insert Topic}. The headlines should be eye-catching, punchy, and memorable."

  12. 用「倒金字塔模型」创建大纲
    Prompt: "Using the inverted pyramid model, write an outline for [insert topic]'s self-media article."

  13. 用「增长飞轮」实现持续增长
    Prompt: "Craft a Growth Flywheel marketing campaign for our [product/service], covering customer acquisition, retention, engagement & insights. Detail tactics & metrics to measure success in this continuous growth loop."

  14. 用「Allan Dib 一页计划」创建营销规划
    Prompt: "Craft a marketing plan in the style of Allan Dib's 1-Page Marketing Plan for our [product/service]."

  15. 用「价值之旅框架」创建全网营销活动
    Prompt: "Help me create a web-wide marketing campaign for my [product/service] using the Customer Value Journey framework."

  16. 用「AARRR 框架」定制营销活动
    Prompt: "Craft a detailed marketing campaign for our [product/service] using the AARRR framework."

  17. 用「4C 策略」创建营销规划
    Prompt: "For my [product/service], create a guideline for my influencer marketing strategy, using the 4Cs of Influencer Marketing (Content, Credibility, Clout, Cost-effectiveness)."

  18. 创建产品发布策略
    Prompt: "[Insert a brief description of your product and target audience]. Guide me through developing a product launch strategy using the Product Launch Formula to generate interest and sales."

  19. 通过「增长黑客计划」加速增长
    Prompt: "Use Sean Ellis' Growth Hacking framework outlining a step-by-step plan for finding, testing, and growing opportunities for our [product/service]."

  20. 用「30s 电梯推销计划」让用户记住你
    Prompt: "Based on [insert your mission and niche], help me craft a 30-second elevator pitch for [product, service, or personal brand]."

  21. 用「价值主张框架」找到打动用户的致胜点
    Prompt: "Using the value proposition framework, detail how the top 5 features of our product benefit the user. [Enter product details]"

  22. 定制「用户问题解决手册」
    Prompt: "What are the most common objections or concerns raised by our target customers and how would you address them? [Enter product details]"

  23. 模拟用户使用场景,定制应对策略
    Prompt: "Role-play a scenario where a customer objects our product due to high price. You will act as the customer, I am the sales agent. Grade each response and tell me how I can do better. [Enter product details]"

  24. 找到跟客户建立良好关系的最佳路径
    Prompt: "Please find the best path from N possibilities based on my [product/service], so as to establish a better relationship with customers."

  25. 用 1 周提升团队协作效率
    Prompt: "Create a 1-week training program for me to improve teamwork effectiveness of my employees."

  26. 10 个快速建立用户信任的电销方法
    Prompt: "Provide 10 ways to quickly build trust with customers in telemarketing. [Enter product details]"

  27. 用「AIDA 框架」演示产品
    Prompt: "Prepare a five-minute pitch for our product, using the AIDA framework. [Enter product details]"

  28. 提升 500% 转化率的 10 个好方法
    Prompt: "After the sales visit, follow up with telephone, WeChat and other channels to increase the conversion rate by 500% 10 good ways."

  29. 让 ChatGPT 帮你优化 Prompt
    Prompt: "You are a ChatGPT prompt generator. Generate 10 unique prompts that will help me get [job or task] done."

  30. 行业痛点 → 解决方案 → 商业策略
    Prompt: "For the following [industry], output the top 10 pain points, 5 solutions to each pain point, and 3 unique business ideas for each solution."

  31. 提炼商业书籍中最精华的 10%
    Prompt: "Distill the framework and most important lessons from {Business Book Title} into a comprehensive, but digestible summary."

  32. 创作冷启动软文
    Prompt: "Write a personalized cold-start advert for potential customers in [industry], highlighting [our unique value proposition]."

  33. 将文本转成 CSV 表格
    Prompt: "From the list pasted below, create a table with the following columns: [Name, Category, and Description]. Then let me export the table as CSV. [Paste list of items]"

  34. 激活内在创造力
    Prompt: "Introduce me to creative exercises and techniques that will help me tap into my inner creativity and generate fresh ideas in [insert specific context]."

  35. 一键更改稿件风格
    Prompt: "Change the tone of the text below to be more [Direct, Formal, Informal, Sincere, Sarcastic, Friendly, Assertive, Persuasive, Passionate, Professional, Casual, Serious, Lighthearted, Conversational, Serious]: [Paste text]"

  36. 提高记忆力
    Prompt: "I am learning about [insert topic]. Provide me with a list of mnemonic devices or memory techniques to help me remember and recall important information related to this topic."

  37. 总结并整理文章要点
    Prompt: "Summarize this article into a bulleted list of the most important information: [paste article]."

  38. 结合主题,开放脑洞
    Prompt: "Brainstorm 20 unique ideas for the following [topic]."

  39. 创建吸引人的招聘计划
    Prompt: "Create a compelling cover letter for the position of [job title] at [company name], showcasing my relevant experience and enthusiasm for the role. [Insert relevant experience]"

  40. 迭代产品/服务
    Prompt: "Employing the Jobs-to-be-Done framework, assist me in recognizing areas for enhancement in my [product or service]."

  41. 增强解决问题的能力
    Prompt: "Share a step-by-step systematic approach for solving [specific problem or challenge]."

  42. 内容润色
    Prompt: "Proofread the text below for spelling and grammar. Make the sentences clear and precise: [Paste your writing]."

  43. 用「桑德勒销售系统」写脚本
    Prompt: "[Give a brief description of your product or service]. Utilizing the Sandler Selling System, assist me in developing a persuasive sales script for my offering."

  44. 给员工加上「作家 buff」
    Prompt: "Turn the following bullet points into a paragraph of text. Use the following [tone] and mimic the writing style of [insert your favorite author]."

  45. 用「See-Think-Do-Care 模型」创建全网营销
    Prompt: "[Briefly describe your target audience and product or service]. Guide me to developing a web-wide marketing campaign based on the See-Think-Do-Care model."

  46. 简化复杂主题
    Prompt: "If I'm only 10, please explain [complicated topic] so I can understand clearly."

  47. 提升 200% 销量的产品发布策略
    Prompt: "[Provide a brief description of your product and target audience]. Assist me in creating a product launch strategy employing the Product Launch Formula to generate excitement and sales."

  48. 与顶级 CEO 对话
    Prompt: "From here on, you will act as [Elon Musk]. I will ask you a series of questions, and you must reply like [Elon Musk] would."

  49. 找到特定问题的「根问题」
    Prompt: "Guide me in applying the Five Whys technique to identify the root cause of a [specific problem or situation]."

  50. 打造迷人的品牌叙述
    Prompt: "[Provide a business or personal brand description]. Help me create a compelling brand narrative for my brand using the brand tower


  • A radiant female angel with white wings is bathed in divine light, representing purity and grace. On the other half, a mischievous male devil with dark, fiery wings is shrouded in shadows, symbolizing temptation and chaos. The center of the image features a stark line that separates light from darkness, highlighting the eternal struggle between good and evil. --ar 16:9--v 6 --style raw 

  • Majestic Phoenix, mythical creature, concept art, fiery aura, majestic, highly detailed, smoke, cinematic lighting, radiant, fantasy, swirling fire, glowing 

  • An original science fiction painting called The Great Wave, rendered in stunning high resolution by greg rutkowski, clouded skies above a seascape, trending on artstation 







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